Genetic Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

genetic mutation which interferes with the creation and production of the protein responsible for the building and maintenance of healthy muscles (Dystrophin protein). It is usually hereditary and may thus run within a family (Tidy, 2016). Moreover, it is known to have no cure, but has treatments that slow the progression and alleviate the symptoms. Early symptoms Some of its early symptoms and indicators include; frequent falls, especially in children, walking on toes, learning disabilities for example late speech development, jumping and walking difficulties, a waddling gait, difficulty in standing and sitting and finally, stiffness and pain in the muscles. However, as time progresses,...

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genetic structure; some have an advantage over the others. For instance, Eero Mantyranta, a Finnish flier, who won the Olympic title multiple times because she had more red blood cells which increased her performance (Kirby, Moran, & Guerin, 215). Doping hence makes the game competitive and fair and also bridges the gap between the athletes with proper facilities and better health care, with the less privileged ones. Legalizing doping, therefore, levels the playfield, and with competitiveness increased, the experience by fans is improved, and the interest and love for the game are also boosted. Works Cited Kille, Leighton. "Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Athletics: Research Roundup -...

genetically identical daughter cells. This is a procedure by which new cells are produced by the body for repair and growth of worn-out tissues in the entire body. It is also known as binary fission. Meiosis is a type of cell division by which the cell divides into four daughter cells each of which contains half the number of chromosomes of the original cell. Chromosomes are thread-like structures contained in the nucleus of the cell in the body. Chromatin is a compound structure of proteins and DNA that forms chromosomes in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. Centromere is the section of a chromosome where the two chromatids are joined together. The centromere is attached to the spindle during...