Garden Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, saying (let us paraphrase his words): "My Father, I do not want to die, but if my death is the only thing that can bring salvation to the world, then I will resign myself and accept death on the cross". The Father's (God’s) answer was that there is no other way and that's why Jesus died on the cross. According to Christian theology, if access to God was through someone else or something else, then Jesus' death would be foolish and useless. However, to my mind, imposing these arguments to convince the adherents of the other religions to join Christianity seem to be if not offensive, but quite assertive and unreliable. While the argument with the death of Christ...

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garden he loved to play as a kid ("LITERATURE: Leo Tolstoy"). Works Cited "LITERATURE: Leo Tolstoy". Youtube, 2018, Accessed 27 Feb...

garden belonging to my master. My master has freed me because of my health concerns, and I have chosen to accompany him to Sicilia where he is a governor. As a freedman, I have been observing what the other slaves are going through, and it is quite frightening. These slaves are being subjected to forced labor, beating, and other actions that are not humane at all. My master has been gentle with me over the years I have served him. The other masters who own other slaves are cruel in the manner in which they treat them. Further, they have increased their level of brutality to the slave forcing them to work for long hours without having to take breaks to eat or associate with others. These actions of...