French Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

French philosopher claimed that if I can ask myself whether I exist, then there should be an ā€œIā€ already existing at that time to ask the question. This also highlights the fact that our minds are aware and conscious of who we are at the moment and is always attempting to find the answers or explanation to how we came into being. There is an aspect of restlessness or discomfort when the mind is not satisfied or believes it does not fully understand a concept, this lack of insight elucidates the urge to study or learn new things to settle the distressed...

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French Philosopher who believed the sensory or neural system could be easily deceived. A person can also establish their state by assessing the events surrounding their current situations. In a normal awake state, a person can recall and explain when and why they are at a particular place and what happened before then, however when dreaming you cannot comprehend the series of events leading to the current situation, the information is blurred and confused. This can, therefore, aid in knowing the state of a situation. People have also devised personal means of evaluating themselves, for example, looking at the clock or text on a wall and then looking aware and back to the clock or the text on the...

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