Fever Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

fever (FD), hemorrhagic dengue fever (FHD) and syndromeDengue shock (SCD). However, being a worldwide disease, it was found that the “FD/FHD/SCD” classification could not be applied globally for the clinical use of patients, especially in cases of greater serious. This caused some countries to have their own classifications adapted, making epidemiological comparisons more difficult. This, together with the alterations in the pattern of the infection, led to WHO to sponsor a study called Denco (Dengue Control). As a result of this study in November 2009, WHO issued a guide that classifies the disease as dengue or severe dengue New Dengue classification   The serious dengue criteria...

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fever during childbirth or by an SNC infection. Hypoglycemia: lack of blood glucose, intracranial hemorrhage. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: lack of oxygen and blood flow in the baby's brain when it was born. Trauma, cardiac surgery, postnatal factors (after childbirth): infections such as meningitis (inflammation of meninges) or encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), cranial trauma, convulsive state, cardio-respiratory arrest, poisoning, severe dehydration. Spastic cerebral palsy. In this type of paralysis children have their rigid muscles, they tend to stretch and weaken for it have a difficulty to control their movements. Within spastic cerebral palsy we find different types: spastic...

fever and a severe cold. For about a day I could not even move from the house. The situation might have escalated from the chest pain and the cold from the previous evening. I tried several things, but they all never seemed to work. The attempts included taking some painkillers and taking a rest. Despite the efforts, the situation seemed to get even worse and by the time the evening was approaching I could not even speak. On seeking the local physician, he recommended ibuprofen with other painkillers and I found this a proper remedy. The medication was effective in soothing the pain and also healing the irritation that I was feeling in my throat (Melzack, R. 1987). Thursday Date 7th Time 5...

fever. If the problem is not resolved, it may lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome with more severe symptoms. This particular strain of bacteria is virulent and arises from consumption of contaminated food items such as unpasteurized milk and undercooked meat. In this case, the child consumed ground meat, which was probably undercooked and may have caused the contamination. This type of bacteria produces a toxin known as ‘verotoxin’ which spreads to the kidneys causing the formation of blood clots in the kidney blood vessels, which leads to kidney damage and eventually failure (Karpman et al., 2017). In this case, the condition has resulted in a low red blood cell count (hemolytic anaemia). The...

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fever (Rosen et al. 669). Physicians diagnose the specific type of lymphoma and subtypes through chest X-rays, physical examination, blood test or biopsy (Rosen et al. 670). After diagnosis, patients receive treatment depending on the lymphoma, age, the growth rate of cancer, its stage, and the presence of other health complications. The treatments for cancer include chemotherapy, biological therapy, and radiation therapy (Rosen et al. 679). Conclusively, lymphomas are a group of heterogeneous malignancies that weaken the immune system and can be treated if diagnosed at an early stage. Works Cited Ansell, Stephen M. "Hodgkin lymphoma: 2016 update on diagnosis, risk‐stratification, and...

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fever, plague, and cholera pushed WHA to revise IHR (Fidler & Gostin, 2006). 2003- 2005- Yes The outbreak of (ARS) Acute Respiratory Syndrome and tuberculosis in 2003 hastened the revision processes (Fidler & Gostin, 2006). Did states think that the IHR needed to be revised? 1995- 20002- Yes Member states believed that the IHR needed to be changed since it was unable to deal with the outbreak of communicable diseases globally (IHR Revision archives, 2002). 2003- 2005- Yes Member states believed that the IHR revision could not only address disease but also global public health issues (IHR Revision archives, 2002). Did the US think that the IHR needed to be revised? 1995- 2002-...

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fever, headache, coughs, runny nose and sore throat but may affect people differently. The Flu shot vaccine is a good method to minimize the chances of a person getting the disease and spreads it to others. Getting the flu shot vaccine may spare you the misery of such illness because it is capable of ruining your work life as well as your social life. Receiving the vaccination protects yourself as well as the people around you. It may also make your illness milder in the event you get sick ("Flu Season: Importance of Getting a Flu Shot" n.p). The flu shot vaccine causes the growth of antibodies in the body nearly after two weeks of vaccination. The antibodies protect the body from attack by the...

fever, and nausea symptoms started developing 2-3 hours after ingestion, then the organism that caused the poisoning was Staphylococcus aureus. According to research, the source of the bacteria is unrefrigerated or improperly refrigerated meat, egg salad, potatoes among other types of food. Describe the temperature danger zone. The aim of refrigerating is to ensure food remains under a temperature that does not allow quick bacterial multiplication. Temperatures between 4o and 60o allow rapid growth of bacteria. Thus this is called the "danger zone." Hot and freshly cooked food must be kept at a temperature not less than 60o c. However, the food should be cool enough to be stored in the refrigerator...

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Fever. It is a form of illness caused by West Nile Virus. West Nile Fever is a form of mosquito-borne contamination with typical symptoms of fever, tiredness, headaches, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, rash and loss of appetite. The presentation of this disease and its pathogen can be illustrated in the form of a 3x5 index card as shown in the table below. Control Strategies There are three control strategies which are used to limit the spread of WNV. These includes treatment of the disease, preventing the disease, and interrupting its transmission. There are control strategies used in WNV, and these include mosquito control mechanisms which reduce their breeding populations. Such an approach...

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