Feminist Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

feminist have their divergent way of understanding "woman"; not on sex basis but as a gender term that relies on social and cultural factors such as social position. In doing this, they make a distinction of sex from gender as much as the native language users seem to give treatment to the two aspects in an interchanging manner. Recently, for example, this distinction has received continued attacks, and most people see it of late with a lot of suspicions. From my point of view the influence of docility concept on gender performance, sex and gender are different things to different feminists and at the same time not easy or direct for characterization. As at present, I also have a feeling sex and...

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Feminist Manifesto: Thematic, Tonal, Voice Effects Mina Loy’s Feminist Manifesto was written in 1914 in response to F.T Marinetti’s "Manifesto of Futurism." In Feminist Manifesto, Mina Loy called for the destruction of all institutions that gave women the second place or make women unequal to men. Mina sought to put to an end the tendency of women identification of self-worth with sexuality; she sarcastically suggested ‘unconditional surgical destruction of virginity throughout the female population at puberty. There are several themes that surfaced in Mina’s Feminist Manifesto: modernism, sexual, emotional liberty and self-ownership, love and self-respect (Schalm, 4). Through these...

Feminist Ethics First Quote from the Carol Gilligan project: Quote: “The very traits that have traditionally defined the “goodness” of women, their care for and sensitivity to the needs of others, are those that mark them as deficient in moral development.” Interpretation and explanation: To me, this quote means that women do not consider the rationality or irrationality of a situation but rather judge actions based on how others will react and as a result, they end up making wrong decisions which make them look like they have not developed morally. I found this quote especially interesting because it goes a long way to show that even philosophers do not believe that men and women can be...

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