External factors Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

external factors such as goodwill from the parents play part in a happy relationship. Thirdly, the theme of communication and respect was also brought out in the responses as the basis of a happy relationship. Fourthly, acting according to the beliefs of a person is also a factor when it comes to a happy relationship. These themes were brought out in the form of interview questions presented to the participants with their responses recorded. Reference Brown, S. C., Stevens, R. A., Troiano, P. F., & Schneider, M. K. (2002). Exploring Complex Phenomena: Grounded Theory in Student Affairs Research. Journal of College Student Development, 43(2),...

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external factors. What is more, the fact that psychologists are yet to agree on the impact of video games on behavior leaves the debate open. Therefore, as a judge, I will give a dissenting vote because there is no uniform concrete evidence that violent video games lead to...

external factors towards cognitive learning among children has surprised me the most. Although the impact of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) towards the cognitive learning of children cannot be entirely ruled out, environmental factors play a vital role in the learning process among children. Environmental factors predominantly entail the nature of the family a child is born and raised, the nature of the schools they attend as well as the diet of children particularly in their formative years. Research indicates that children born and raised in families without many children are likely to be intelligent than their counterparts. The enhanced cognitive development of singletons compared to non-singletons...