Experiences Essay Samples and Topic Ideas



Experiences, Influences, and Things That I Have Done to Improve My Writing As a writer, I have been influenced greatly by the works of other writers and particularly short story writers and article writers in newspapers. I have attempted to write several short stories, articles and read many books to improve my writing during this semester. Most Important Thing for a Writer to Know A writer should learn how to use short sentences and short paragraphs. The writer should also be competent to an authentic style to attract loyal readers of your work. With an authentic style, a writer develops a sense of writing that cannot be copied by anyone since he or she has mastered it completely. Lastly, a...

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experiences. Nevertheless, you must choose to triumph over the daily life’s obstacles lest you live a miserable life. Challenges spell a thin line of happiness and sorrow, learn to take the twists and turn of this life and overcome this challenges. At the crossroad of life, make the right choices by embracing the right path to solve your ups and downs. Life can never be a bed of roses as only difficult roads leads to beautiful destinations. Face life with confidence and don’t allow the challenges you face define you. Thinking hard, “How will I settle my accumulated bills?” Fear of facing the economic challenge grips in. Work hard and earn some income. Financial freedom counts. Emotional...