Expense Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

expense and considerably a lot of time. Moreover, such kind of communication typically meant just being in touch with individuals who already knew each other. However, the invention of internet dramatically transformed communication. Email and Social network sites such as MSN and Facebook and email have come up with online communities globally, and they have adopted communication between individuals and nations, something that would not have been foreseen in the near past. On the contrary, there is no doubt that the internet has as well resulted in negative effects on social interaction. The Younger generation has particularly been affected since they spend a lot of time online and on forums...

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expense of getting high. This is true that all these instances are shown in a sophisticated and humorous manner, though there is no question that the film is encouraging the use of drugs in any way. I think these are the same messages were intended by the writer of the movie. Boyle did an outstanding work of directing a film established on Irvine Welsh's record breaking story concerning depressed Scottish drug fanatics who cannot survive past the addiction. Their life concentrates around drugs. The film is lively, creative and exclusive just as the writing. It is true that the film may show some the use of drugs as being hilarious at times, for instances, yeah, it may show drugs as Renton's crazy...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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