Example Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

example, the Ethernet cable is seen joining the workstations to the router. Moreover, the flow of data is shown from the modem which receives it from the server. The diagram interlinks all the components in their basic forms in a very professional manner and is hence beneficial to professional work. Instructions are also given in the office and their flow as data is also clearly shown. In this way, the diagram is self-explanatory and will assist in the plan of the office as required in the project. The local area network of the company can be seen by the diagram as it will act as the draft of the...

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example, the automated essay scoring software cannot be considered intelligent at grading. This is because the machine relies on human examples in order to be able to grade. Therefore, this grading software can be termed as efficient but not effective. For example, the scoring is based on the length of the sentences, presence of keywords and construction of the sentences (Laudon & Laudon, n.d). This means the scoring could be misleading because the content of the information does not matter. Alternatively, the prime advantage of human graders is that they are capable of judging the essay themselves to know when the information in the essay is correct regardless of the sentence construction unlike...

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example I was almost there in case you did not achieve what you wanted but made great strides. It is also good to start respecting oneself. Avoid self-blame and start congratulating oneself for any positive step accomplished. Question 3 My organization’s culture is a Conventional corporate culture. The company strictly operates by policies and expectations. The use of the cut and dry approach to issue leads to poor inspiration on the part of employees. Supervisors are always on the watch for any violations of the company’s policies, and this makes us only to do what set or necessary is. It, therefore, inhibits...

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example, on December 30, 2015, he and his team worked almost up to dawn the next day while in the service of Delco Electronics. The CEO of Delco Electronics was quite happy with this dedication to work. Weaknesses His commitment to teamwork needs improvement. He did not attend both of the only two team buildings we had during the year. Although there had been an orientation of new employees in one of the meetings' days, which he claims to have attended, he did not make any effort to follow up. Overall performance Fryar's overall performance was good during the year. His hard work and commitment to his job have resulted in an overall increase in the number of sales during the year. The company...



example who have benefited from the exercise. The fact that the people are able to pinpoint some few individuals who have enjoyed the fruits of the exercise, they are able to follow suit and avoid the false adverts. Work Cited Henry, Alan. "Cite A Website - Cite This For Me". Lifehacker.com. N.p., 2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2016....

example is when a lady writes to Jimmy informing him to take care, but she is too cautious to mention about the war (Hanna 78). This is a clear illustration of major role women play. They learn to live with their grief and even when sometimes in life things don't seem to be okay; they are always there to protect and support their loved ones. No one can ever understand the pains that other people go through unless they are subjected to the same experiences (Conan 67). Some of these people are driven by the idea of curiosity and get involved in events which they would otherwise have escaped or avoided. Mary Ann is a good example of this. She was brought to the town as an innocent girl but later failed...

example, from 0.3Hz to 1Hz, in the EEG and/or EOG channels or fan the patient while ensuring that the electrodes are not swayed to avoid another type of artifact (Mattice, Brook, & Lee-Chiong, 2012). In reference to the EKG artifact, the therapist should try repositioning or reapplying the reference electrodes. These electrodes should be positioned in the right manner by ensuring that the mastoid electrodes overlie the bone because it does not transmit the EKG readily compared to fatty tissue. Often, this helps to resolve the issue, but if it persists, then a linked reference should be used. Whereas the linked reference is beneficial, there is a need to ascertain the nature of the artifact:...

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example of bipolar derivation is ECG, which entails the use of lead 1, which is negative, and a positive lead 2. Also, left and right anterior tribialis (LAT/RAT) utilize the bipolar derivations. Bipolar derivations, thereby, are used to measure the difference in ability to transmit between two actives electrodes while the referential electrodes measure the difference between an active and an inactive electrode. Hence, the active electrodes in bipolar derivations overlie a recording site that is electrically active as described earlier in the case of chin or limb EMG recording. Interelectrode distance, therefore, is imperative in determining the effects of these two derivations because a larger...

example, the use standard English at every opportunity fosters understanding of the language. Contextual variants like idioms, slangs, dialect and jargon impede the learning process. Another tip to mastery of the language is to have high levels of confidence about the skill acquired at any point in time. Starting conversations with native language speakers and showing confidence increases the exposure and facilitates the learning process. For the same goal, several tools come in handy. For example, the use of word stacks to expand vocabulary. Word stacks are convenient and accessible. They are a good way to learn new words and keep track of the lessons. Continuous exposure to the same words creates a...