Equity Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

equity before the law (Wilkes 520). The two campaigns were launched during opportune periods which worked perfectly for the groups. The public supported the activities of the two groups, due to the events occurring in the state. Works Cited Cudahy, Hon, D. Richard, and Alan J. Devlin. "Anticompetitive Effect." Minnesota Law Review 95 (2010): 59. Print. Diss. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, 2008. Print. Gilman, Rhoda R. Stand Up!: The Story of Minnesota's Protest Tradition. Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2012. Print. Columbia University Press, 2013. Print. Wilkes, Rima. "The Protest Actions of Indigenous Peoples A Canadian-US Comparison of Social Movement Emergence." American Behavioral Scientist 50.4...

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