Equilibrium Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

equilibrium. Consequences When the federal government increases the interest rates, more manufacturers of automobiles are likely to be discouraged from operating. The short-term interest rates may not have more significant effects on automobile manufacturers since many customers are not for the short-term loans. The long-term interest rates, on the other hand, affect their operations since the customers are forced to pay for more interests when paying for their loans. The primary factor that may cause a different outcome is the exit of the automobile manufacturers from the market. This will force the interest rates to be reduced to allow them to operate. Customers who want to purchase cars are...

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equilibrium state. . 10. What is the difference between evaporation and boiling? Evaporation happens on the surface. It may occur when the partial pressure of vapor of the substance is less than the equilibrium vapor pressure while boiling point is the transition phase from liquid to gas and it happens above the boing point of the liquid 12. Why is a pressure cooker even more useful when cooking food in the mountains than when cooking at sea level? In the mountains, there is the less pressure hence lower boiling point. Hence when using a pressure cooker, it will be useful since less energy will be used to cook. 14. How can water be made to both boil and freeze at the same time? The...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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equilibrium, Labor supply = Labor Demand Therefore, QS=QD10W=240-20W30W=240W=8Equilibrium price is £8 per hourEquilibrium quantity = (240-20(8))=80 driversThe minimum wage of £7 per hour is lower than £8. At this wage uber firms will be willing to higher more drivers, who will have to work for fewer hours worked than earlier and thus, lowering the market equilibrium. At a higher minimum wage of £9, the number drivers to be hired will be =240-20(9)=60 drivers. Supply of workers = 10W=10×9=90 driversExcess supply of labour=90-60=30 drivers The region marked with a thick blue arrow is the consumer surplus region. In that region, consumers enjoy uber services at prices less than they expected....

  • Words: 550
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equilibrium is a state in economics where the demand forces and supply forces are balanced. In a nutshell, the equilibrium state occurs when the items supplied equals the goods demanded. The suppliers of the products and services provide to the market the exact amount required by the consumers. The market condition will remain in a constant state unless an external force influences the market. At the state of equilibrium, the goods are sold and purchased at a regular price referred as the equilibrium price determined by market forces. Further, the amounts of goods sold at equilibrium price are known as the equilibrium quantities. The equilibrium price is expected to remain constant unless a there is...

equilibrium condition. Although acid catalysis increases the rate of attaining equilibrium but it does not affect the position of the equilibrium. For shifting the equilibrium reaction to the right (that is to favor the formation of the desired ester) two strategies are usually deployed. Firstly, large amounts of alcohol may be added to shift the equilibrium towards right. Secondly, removing products (that is water or the desired ester) of the esterification reaction. The first process is usually deployed when the alcohol is relatively cheap. The process of shifting the equilibrium of the etherification reaction to the right (by using excess alcohol) is known as Fischer’s Esterification....

  • Words: 1100
  • Pages: 4
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Experiment 3


equilibrium. First yield criterion is one of the common principle which is normally used to establish the loading capacity of the beam. In essence, the principle stipulates that the beam attains the maximum load when the stress approaches the yield stress. However, for beams that sustain the static load, the first yield criterion rule does not apply. In this case, the use of the rule is disregarded unlike in other beams which do not have a static load. The main aim of the experiment is to relate strain quantities found from electrical and mechanical strain gage with the quantities in the theoretical strains. The experiment also tries to establish the neutral axis location of the cross section of...