enemy of The people Essay Samples and Topic Ideas



people. This is exactly what God did by giving us His only son to come and die for our sins. As a good leader, He loved us and could not want us to suffer anymore. As humans, we have been given a chance to follow the leadership principles of God included in the Bible or we leave our own lives. I agree with you that a true leader should not just tell people what to do or behave but should lead by example and be on the front line in condemning the wrongdoings of his people. Jesus during his teachings did not just tell people what to do, but he also showed them practically and that sets a good example that we all should follow. 2. W.E. I agree with you that a leader should be able to humble oneself in...

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people to be led into salvation find it easy to accept the gospel and even repent because of the humility expressed by the slaves of Christ. Concurrently, Apostle Paul clears outlines in his book of 1st Corinthians 6:20 that Christians are Christ’s slaves simply because we were bought with a price and hence there exists the owner who owns us. In so doing, Christians remain obedient and submissive to their master to gain favors from him. Therefore, it is the master's will that prevails in our actions to others who might see the necessity and importance of the salvation so that they may also get saved. In summary, through the slavery acts as Christians which extend the excellent attributes of...

people who believed in God. The passages offered hope and solace for a better life for people believing in Christ. Also, the passages emphasize the existence of one supreme God the Almighty. The passages were written by Bernhard Anderson, a firm believer in Christ. It was written for devout Christians who believed in the existence of one supreme God. Also, the people who believed they would leave Egypt to Canaan. It was written in 6th-century BC. It was originally written in Hebrew in the nation of Israelites. Question and Answer The question that is being addressed in the message is whether people believe in the existence of one God or many gods. According to the author, the existence of one God...

people nominated to run for the seats by offering campaign assistance to widen the field of competition. Nevertheless, in most states, congressional candidates are chosen by voters in primary elections. Consequently, the powers of political parties have been decreased and there is little to no party discipline in American politics. Also, there are candidates who run for seats as independent...

people on the ground. This concept is needed to attract more customers for their products and services. The more the customers HCN as retailer gathers, the faster it will sell its products and services thus improving on its image to the manufacturer hence reducing the number of competitors. This earns HCN a lot of credit from the manufacturer. Above all, HCN should also come up with strategies to help improve their business with the manufacturers (Furrer 10). Some of these procedures may include providing information to the manufacturers on how they can improve on their products and services to get more customers. This is because as a retailer HCN interacts with customers on the ground and can...

People have suggested that Afghanistan is on the brink of civil war. The suggestions are mainly based on the renewed Taliban insurgency. Though the country is getting closer to civil war every day, I believe that it is still far from civil war. A recent US military report indicates that the Taliban and other insurgents control about 14% of the country(CNN) CITATION Tan12 l 1033 (Tankel, 2012). That might look like a giant chunk. However, do the people in those areas view the Taliban as a bearer of their aspirations? No. The government is even employing local militias in those areas to fight against the Taliban. Furthermore, the might of the Afghan army cannot be compared to that of the Taliban. The...

people in a building A list of individuals in the building and rooms they occupy should be made available. A list of disabled occupants should also be kept. Keeping such a list makes the work of safety officers easy when they are conducting searches. Further, during an evacuation, a list of the evacuated individuals should be produced so that it becomes simple to identify the people still in a building and the rooms they occupy. Conducting room searches During a disaster, it is essential to conduct physical room searches on every floor of a building. The searchers should notify the room occupants of the intention of the searches. The searches should be conducted quickly so that enough ground is...



people she loves completely. In the turn of events, Katherine begins an affair with a worker of her husband, Sebastian, and kills the father-in-law, husband, and step-son in some of the most inhuman ways (Oldroyd 2016). Ultimately, she turns the blame to Sebastian who is taken into police custody alongside Katherine’s housemaid Anna. The main character in this film presents a package of regular emotional shifts from a helpless oppressed to a cold-hearted avenger. She develops progressively and delivers her character in suspense packed formula that will keep everyone glued to the screen. The most excellent and attractive feature of the film is the witnessing of an oppressor being oppressed, making...

people behind the business, which could be useful to investors. The financing structure section explains how the business will be financed and how the founders and investors will share ownership. Lastly, the context looks at the external factors such as inflation, interest rates, regulatory environment among other factors that may affect the business (Longnecker, Petty, Palich, & Moore, 2010). As a business owner or consultant this information could be helpful to me in many ways. First, as a business owner, it will save me the agony of investing in bad ideas since from the onset I will be able to differentiate between a good and bad idea. Secondly, as a business owner or consultant, I will...