enemy of The people Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

people. As seen in the epic, the king starts by visiting the cedar forest so as to offer rituals to the gods. At the same time, the king is portrayed as a demigod, having a mother who is a goddess. Gilgamesh has some divine attributes as well, which all serve to back up his position as an important spiritual leader of the people, besides ruling them. A king has a role of protecting his people from external aggression, as well as against any other adverse effects. This is seen in the heroe’s attempt to build a gate for the city. This can be understood as being an attempt to keep out the enemies outside the city’s gates. At the same time, the spiritual rituals that the king undertakes are in one...

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people who participate in the research study are normally known to the researcher. It helps the person undertaking the research to have a transparent view of the process. Due to this, the researcher is responsible in ensuring that the identities of the specimen are not known. Keeping their identities a secret will give them the opportunity to collect data at will without distractions Management of Resources The healthcare delivery system ensures that resources in the healthcare sector are managed well in hospitals. The healthcare delivery system helps in managing the resources in the healthcare sector through the decreasing the amount of time spent by patients hoping to seek treatment. It is one...

people. There are various laws binding and regulating the insurance service delivery. Financial Stability The insurance firm in the company aims to provide financial support in case of an accident in the company. A financially staple insurance firm should be a priority (Protection & Act, 2010). It is very wise to factor in the needs of your employees before buying or putting in any place any insurance plan to your organization. The employee's lifestyle in the working environment will significantly determine the type of insurance plan to consider. For instance, working in a high-risk environment needs a program that is rooted in understanding the system. The employee's health in such situation...

people in Canada have improved living standards. Some of the advantages of the universal health care include the free medication that helps the lives of the many poor people (Naylor and Girard 83). The health specialists also have improvement in their salary since they have increased in the number of patients to handle. The disadvantages of this system include the increased tax rate on the public to get the money for medication. And also low-quality standard medication due to a large number of patients.Some of the fears that are likely to be experienced in relation to the universal healthcare would include the running of the program by the government since it becomes very challenging for the...

people around us because we just lack the resources to sustain those positive emotions. Most people do not recognize the damage of the addiction has on their mental health and their performance at work. It’s not the technology that is harmful to us instead it is the overuse of technology that is dangerous. Our brains can not operate efficiently with a lot of information coming in at every moment. When we change our attention from one job to the next, our minds use up the additional energy to move from one task to the other. One can resolve this by trying to give him or herself a short time before they start a new interest during which they should not use their phones or computers to access media...

Food safety


people consider the costs of food. The low price and availability of such food make it an easy choice but not necessarily a healthy one. Unhealthy food is a precursor to bad health and leads to the occurrence of various types of diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Robert Kenner, in The Truth about Your Food documentary, says, “we have skewed our food system to the bad calories, and the reason why the calories are cheaper is that they are heavily subsidized”(n.p). It is evident in this statement that the price indicates a particular individual`s choice of food. This needs to change to prioritizing on quality of food available to the people. Healthy foods have to be cheaper and more...

people fall in love, and others hate one another. The play also has a concept of marriage, which is very applicable in real life today. People get married, with some living happy lives, and others separating even after living together for many years just like Nora and Torvald (Ibsen, 5). In short, the concepts of the play are a reality in today’s life and can be applied in the real-life situation. One cannot argue that for sure the setting of the play is dated. However, judging from the occurrence of events and the lives that the characters live, the play is likely to have been pioneered in the 19th century. True to this, records prove that the play was set in around the late 19h century (Ibsen,...

people behind common things such as TVs, roads, bridges, cars, fridges, aircraft, and so forth. Additionally, I have always been inquisitive to learn how objects, equipment, appliances, machines and other products of engineering work. When I learned that they are engineers and that I had to perform well, I was motivated to work hard. My motivation was also reinforced by asking others questions regarding engineering, engineers, and what I can do to join the profession. My interest in engineering is also evident in the way I spend my free time. While being at school, I was excited by science experiments, and I applied some ideas at home such as the knowledge I gained from topics such as electricity,...

People who intentionally tan their skins will be engaging in a recreational activity of sunbathing. Some of the people will utilize products of chemical nature which produce a tanning effect without being exposed to ultraviolet rays; this is referred to as sunless tanning. When people get exposed to the sun moderately; it enhances the production of vitamin D and melanin by the human body. But when there is excessive exposure of ultraviolet rays to the body it will always have adverse health effects, such as sunburn and increase the risk of contracting skin cancer, accelerate aging and depresses the immune system. People have different rates of tanning, which result from having different skin...

people who are attending the rally even though the main intention is to get the speech being made by the politician. In this case, however, the best way in which the listener can improve the way in which s/he receives the information is through the making a good preparation to listen (Alsop, 2011). The preparation can be done by having a good sitting position where there are limited destructors. The listener can also improve the effectiveness of receiving a message by differentiating between the noise and the intentional message that is intended. The listener should also pay attention to the signals and the turn-taking that the speaker makes so that s/he can follow the flow of the conversation...