enemy of The people Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

people need to create time in reconnecting with nature before going back to their obligations and daily lives even if it is briefly (Pilkington 44). The poem has four stanzas and a quatrain since it has four lines in each stanza, it also has stressed syllables with a regular rhythm that is maintained in all the stanzas of the poem. This indicates a slow-moving horse’s plod. The poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” considers meditation of nature. This creates the theme of nature and vivid imagery. The pulling of woods can be the state of being alone and the decoy of becoming free from responsibilities. This may also imply a spirit of adventure as well as attraction to danger as...

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people they love. Conclusively, the information above is certain. The position is supported with various texts within the poem which points to the identity of the speaker, the audience, the purpose of the poem, the time of writing, and also the kind of language used. Therefore, based on what the speaker says, it is easy to understand her direction and what she intends to achieve with her poem. Works Cited Chase, Karen. “Before She Died.” CavanKerry Press, 2008 Colton, Simon, Jacob Goodwin, and Tony Veale. "Karen Chase’s Style." ICCC. 2012. McCall, Marsh H. Ancient rhetorical theories of simile and comparison. Harvard University Press,...



people of Mandinka sent for Sundiata who was now God-like. They needed someone to save them, Feeling the responsibility, Sundiata couldn't ignore them (D.T Niane, 45). Sundiata united all the kingdoms in the neighborhoods into one, And fighting with common front, they won, He was consequently crowned as King of Kings Thus, ruling over all former Mali kingdoms' kings (D.T Niane, 46). Works Cited D.T Niane. ‘Sundiata.’ An Epic of Old Mali. (1960):...

Orange Juice


people who are health conscious, looking to have a product that is healthy, regarding ingredients. This is pointed out by the fact that the advertisement points out to the absence of added sugars and other preservatives, terming it as” all natural.” It also seems to target people in a wide age group, approximately 5 to 45 years of age, all presumably educated due to their awareness of the disadvantages of preservatives and ingredients. The advertisement stimulated my interest since it was a bit catchy and interesting to watch, especially due to its graphics. Tropicana Orange Juice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNv3C2rN6ikA relatively known brand, the Tropicana juice advertisement was more of...

people being addressed are silent. However, in the third video, it is only the female supervisor who is disappointed that the young man did not give the best as expected. The messages in the first and third video are direct but in the second video, it is indirect. In the first video, I believe the message was delivered in the best way, however, in the second video the setting was not good. The guy could have called his friend; they sit down in a quiet place and express his dissatisfaction. In the third video, the young man could have been honest on his performance at work. Work Cited Bara, Zubi. " Breaking bad news, greys anatomy" Online video clip. YouTube. Published Oct 17, 2015 VitalSmart Video...

people have raised ethical concerns about reasons why euthanasia should be allowed or not. Some of the people argue that euthanasia should be allowed because it is a way of releasing a patient from the pain they go through. It is considered as death with dignity. People who are against euthanasia argue on religious grounds and the law. There are countries with laws supporting euthanasia whereas other nations discourage this practice. Socio-medical Criteria These criteria are similar to social media criteria, but socio-medical criteria provide an overall social good. An example of socio-medical criteria is age-based decision-making. The old people are always not given a priority when they seek...

people with different perspectives on religion. My parents practice Buddhism. They also follow Chinese traditions. Buddhism has had a direct influence on the way I view things and morality. For instance, the moral code got from Pancha Shila, Paramita, Brahma Vihara, and Sigalovada Sutta have influenced my view on consciousness, etiquette, virtues, and vice; all which are used to determine what’s right and wrong. However, I practice Christianity. It has Ten Commandments that have to be followed, based on the Old Testament, and the greatest one that tells one to love God with all heart, soul, and mind (New Testament). I will discuss the commandments on murder and stealing. Murder hurts the victim'...

people they represent thereby, destroying their nature and debasing their character. Deception by political officials results from their desire to “cover-up” a fact or event, for concealment of the truth, or to gain a political purpose through influencing the opinion of the public. Nonetheless, politicians believe that it is worth the risk to lie rather than reveal the truth; people are more obliged to hear what they want politicians to “feed” them (Carl, 2007). In times of political jeopardy or war, deception might not be the ideal option however it is assumed to carry fewer consequences than telling the truth. Lying to the public can be considered as an evil act, especially towards a...

people would think he was soft. However, after meeting with the families, Jack Campbell, the prosecutor, saw how determined the victims were to help the offender and decided to help them while still ensuring that he would not come across as a soft prosecutor to the public. A decision of twenty years plus ten years was the best Jack Campbell would offer. Considering that Connor risked life imprisonment, restorative justice had worked. In that case, forgiveness contributed a lot in making the process a success. Connor would undergo imprisonment, which meant he would serve for his mistakes and after serving twenty years, he would get another chance, which means he would be restored to the society. If...