Election Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

election, the poor and the rich people have an equal say in deciding the leadership of the country. However, some people think that the wealthy people should have more votes. This is evident when billionaire venture capitalist Tom Perkins says at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco that Americans should not be able to vote unless they pay taxes and that the wealthy should have more votes (“How One Billionaire’s Idea to Give Rich People More Votes Is Already in the Works” n.p.). Tom Perkins’ idea can interfere with democracy and therefore, my opinion is that people who pay more taxes should not get more votes. All people should have equal rights in voting. If the rich people are given more...

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election of more blacks in the Senate Although it resulted in killings of many blacks such as the 1912 massacre and the KK group related murders, the blacks set their message straight and the government started recognizing them. One organization that brought a significance change in the women’s movement was Emily’s List. The movement was initiated in 1985 to fund the campaigns for the ‘pro-choice Democratic Women’ and strategically bring a balance of power in the government. The primary aim was to encourage women to try political positions. As an operative, a registered member and voter, the organization helped recruit candidates, win election as well as mobilize voter to cast for women in...