Education and The Internet Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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internet. I fancy taking photos and sharing with my peers. The memories of first seeking permission to use my mother’s phone were the most dreadful. She could control all the content I accessed and the people I reached. My sister came to my rescue when she gave me an android phone for my last birthday. However, this has not been something to celebrate given the time I use in social media. I am addicted to Facebook. Sundays are usually my free days. I logged into my page when I woke up the last Sunday. It took me two hours scrolling and replying to previous messages. Some of the people I responded to were my classmates but also there are people I just liked and have never met. What kept me stuck in...

Internet protocol, User Datagram Protocol or the Transmission Control Protocol. The sender of the packet can have a variety of address such as any, host ipaddr or the ipaddr mask. The address any means that the packets can originate from any given source. The host ipaddr is an address that applies to the host machine which may be an individual computer. The format of the IP address is in a decimal format which may help to extend the host configuration to serve a large number of client computers. An example of Host configuration that can accept the incoming packets from a particular address and deny signal transmission that may originate from a specified network address. The firewalls to Implement in...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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internet as weighed against the security threats posed is used to determine the safety of a system (Hampson & Beaubien, 2005). Please explain Internet Infrastructure and how to secure it The internet infrastructure is composed of several networks that connect to each other from computers, phones, and other items that make up the internet of things (IoT). Many items are continuously being redeveloped to access the internet or get connected to a network. DNS systems are the most used in accessing the internet, attacks aimed at DNS have been on the rise hence getting multiple DNS providers to host the DNS records is a sure way to stay safe (Kolkman, 2016). As an Information System Security...

  • Words: 275
  • Pages: 1
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The question formed would then lead to the hypothesis or speculation of the investigation. Hypothesis The hypothesis is a statement that the investigator tests and then proves it either true or false. It is stated before starting the experiment, and the investigator should give an explanation why he or she chose it. It should be written down since it forms the basis of the experiment. However, it should not be changed even if the results turn out to be false. Science is not concerned about right or wrong, but coming up with an answer. Experiment (Method) It involves the different steps taken to test the hypothesis. It includes all the procedures to be used in the experiment while also...

internet, we can meet and make new friends, keep in touch, share information and knowledge. Use of internet to make friends can also be dangerous because it provides a platform for people to pretend and act their best hence from here we can make friends with criminals without our knowledge and this will be dangerous should we meet them in person. In today’s society where our bonding with others encounter many challenges such as lack of confidence, enough time to meet and catch up, selfishness and indifferences brought by the need to remain independent and in control, I can borrow a lot from the above tips on how to maintain and grow my unions. For example, to counter the challenge of time I could...

internet. In order to solve the problem of technical ability, the healthcare facilities should work with network providers in ensuring faster internet. The internet providers should be informed the importance of efficiency in patient data retrieval. Additionally, the healthcare facilities should have access to regular computer suppliers. The utilization cost; the implementation process of EHR and its use in healthcare facilities is expensive (The O.P, 2016, Par. 4). This has discouraged most hospitals from installing the necessary equipment for EHR system irrespective of the speculated benefits. For instance, the implementation of EHR will require the management to initiate training programs for...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 1
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internet are able to communicate or even reach their relatives and friend in the remote areas with a lot of ease. On the same note, new technology has helped many countries to have good returns on their economic investments. On the other hand, technology losers are those individuals who have had negative impacts from the technology (Niman 77-87). For instance, the people who use the technology in their studies do not find the best interaction or contact compared when they take their lessons from classrooms or lecture halls. Some of the negative impacts leading to a loss in technology include when a student wants to ask an urgent question from the lecturer, he/she will not get an instant answer....



internet globally, businesses have had to shift focus to online marketing as opposed to traditional personal advertising to reach a large number of potential shoppers. In cases of excess demand, firms have turned to tailor made goods to ensure they attain a larger market share in respective industries. Individuals also prefer products that they can access at their fingertips (online business). Those firms that have complied with this change are likely to report positive and increased returns than their counterparts. Customer feedback and customer service are the emerging trends affecting marketing in businesses today. Sales promotion and product development is not the only way that client and brand...