Duty Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

duty to do the right thing, and that morality is a matter of responsibility. Kant gives an analogy of a shopkeeper who sells goods at buying price and always gives correct change to his customers. It's morally good, but the shopkeeper might not have good intentions; hence we cannot judge his actions without looking at his intent, using the example of the woman under attack in deontology approach woman stabbing the attackers is morally wrong since everybody has a moral duty to do right. The shortcoming of this moral theory is that the woman would be killed. The woman attacking her potential killers is morally wrong according to Kant. Conclusion Is the choice made or action is taken morally right?...

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duty of protecting his life. The second scenario the police overstepped on his mandate since he shot an unarmed man. The act of shooting a 66 old woman was not justified.The woman was not armed, and thus the policeman could have instead arrested him. The police shooting of Latina was justified since he was protecting property (stolen car). The last instance the police killed a person who was attempting suicide thus he acted unlawfully. The scenario in Texas had social benefit since the police were able to protect his life. In Florida, the state has to bear the cost of compensating the man who was wanted to commit suicide. In Colorado, the shooting of the driver had a social disadvantage since the...