Drought Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

drought times, since it is vital for the human being. While it is true that climate change is produced by large industries and industrialized countries is no less true that in each of our homes we use products that affect the ozone layer such as aerosols that directly also affect theOzone layer, the use of the amount of plastic used daily that are thrown in the trash and these do not degrade are altering the entire ecosystem. Population growth leads to more foods in cities and forests for crops and that affects climate change, since these are the ones that allow it to breathe the planet. We can affirm that the climate change that occurs on our planet and everything that entails makes us see that...

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drought then the struggle for survival will be against the environment. Reference Darwin, P. (2015). Origin of species, : Forgotten...



drought that in turn causes food and water shortages. Dunne et al. predict the possibilities of a global environmental crisis that may threaten to spill over into armed conflict (Dunne, Kurki & Smith, 2007). If this happens, there will be a need for international cooperation through relevant agencies like the UN, to foster an international crisis resolution agenda. By ensuring the effort is global, the war over the environment may be tempered. References Dunne, T., Kurki, M., & Smith, S. (2007). International relations theories: Discipline and Diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press....

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