Dream Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Dreaming Right Now? Knowing when you are dreaming or not has been an unanswerable question for philosophers over the years and no definite answer has been reached upon up to date. The different conclusions or definitions have however not been supported with viable evidence or proof. It is thus believed that one cannot be entirely sure that he or she is either dreaming or awake. Nonetheless, various ways have been formulated to help perform self-checks at different instance to ascertain if in a dream or is a reality. The first test is by doing the sensory test, for example, the pinch test; it is believed that when pain if felt then am individual can be sure he or she is not dreaming. This is because...

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dream a vivid reality. New York University has many more opportunities to me to learn and grow, than where I am currently enrolled. I have never been to New York City but know I can fit in nicely because I am a very motivated student. I love to learn new facts about how life and death function in regards to science and biology. I am an avid reader and a talented user of computer science to assist in my personal experiments in biology techniques. My grade point average is above average because I have a real desire to achieve the most honors before I graduate. I also wish to apply for the Bio DUGS undergraduate program. It looks to be a premier program designed to accelerate the learning curve by...

dream job, and I hope to take those next steps at your university. Attending your university is my top priority, and it will please me to no end to begin my studies at the next session that starts this next January. I have family close by your university and have living arrangements and a potential off-campus job already lined up. Your university was consistently in the top ten universities offers the right classes to move towards that degree. I am an above average student and take my studies very seriously. My goal is to graduate as quickly as possible. I understand that most of my previous learning credits will transfer. I am also very interested in working the internships/externships required to...

dream with my parents many times, they have always objected to the idea of their only child joining the army. As such, when I graduated from high school a few months ago, I had a difficult time deciding what career path I would take. When the final results were out, I was among the top-five students. I had scored the best grades that could allow me to join any prestigious university in the United States. My parents were very proud of my high school achievements and were determined to see me join the university and not the military. For almost a month, my parents tried to dissuade me from the military career. Unknown to them, I had sent an email to the principal of a local military college requesting...

Small Goal


dream career of becoming one of the most influential figures in the US healthcare docket and meeting Carson will be a stepping stone towards realizing my life goal. Our past life experiences are crucial in defining and shaping our present. Being raised by a single mother in a humble background was a major limitation to the life of Benjamin Carson. The cruel nature of the society emanates from the element of subdividing people into social classes. Individuals brought and raised in less fortunate families are less privileged and have to struggle to make ends meet. My zeal to learn how Carson overcome racial prejudice in a white-dominated state, Michigan, is undying. Despite all these challenges, Carson...

dream of becoming part of the group that will contribute towards the development of sustainable energy solutions for the world. It is for this reason that I am looking for a chance to pursue a Master’s of Science degree in Energy Management from UT Dallas. The university has a strong reputation in offering quality, practical programs and nurturing talent in various fields. In addition, the university has vast resources and a dedicated faculty. Besides helping me to advance in my career, UT Dallas’ reputation as a research-driven institution will accord me an opportunity to make the right transition into the professional life. My immediate career goal is to become an Energy Manager in a large...

dream career. I would not prefer my siblings to fall into the same trap and therefore aims at laying a foundation for their future lives. Past life experiences are pivotal in influencing and shaping our future. My life encounters in my nation of origin, Somalia, are disheartening and I promised myself to take action to address community health and education crisis among the less fortunate individuals in the society. Research shows that most people succumb to illnesses and problems that can be alleviated through effective community health and education programs. Knowledge on community health and education is crucial in serving the community better through commitment. However, this is also an...

dream of studying at the University of Texas when she obtained the admission letter. The realization of her vision means that accessing the college education is not a big deal, but only the survival and experience after joining the institutions and graduating is where the issue exists. It is mentioned that “Five months later, Vanessa’s parents dropped her off at her dorm in Austin. She was nervous, a little intimidated by the size of the place, but she was also confident that she was finally where she was meant to be. People had warned her that U.T. was hard” (Tough 1). Besides, the first factor involves the parental income. The low-income students get it difficult to complete their college...

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dreams, he has more than convinced himself that he experiences a half-life. From doubting his very existence to the imagining of the unreal world, the book reveals how Descartes comes to believe he doubts everything. Descartes believes in his perception of self-proclaimed truths including simple numbers and shapes. His idea of existence revolved around what is tangible and proven (4). He thinks that it is only the certainty that can establish the truth and that showing that something is certain is the only proof it is true. However, he agrees that God is not playing tricks with him. Despite having doubts about his very existence, he accepts that God is all-good and cannot intentionally deceive any...

  • Words: 550
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dream of maintaining maximum production and efficiency in achieving the organization’s objectives. In many organizations, effective communication is often viewed as an important contributor to success. This is because the contribution of communication in performance business appraisal cannot be measured. Therefore, this makes communication practically invisible as an element of success within the firm. In many organizations, they put more emphasis on the physical contributors thus ignoring the problems caused by the invisible elements like communication. However, this is a big mistake in the organization as whole since most organizations’ ineffectiveness is caused by lack of communication or poor...