Do The Right Thing Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

thing. This I have been able to comprehend on my own. Life is fulfilling when one actively engages in what they love. I have found activities that I love. Some of them include charity work, sports and meeting new friends. I have realized that I am a small piece of the world and others exist for a reason. I have also learned to engage in objective projects that add value to others. I have also found meaning in life by leading a morally upright life. This adds meaning to my life triggering the urge to want to live forever. Conclusion The state of being alive is a good experience on its own. Being alive is an opportunity to achieve personal goals and experience life. Death, on the other hand, is an...

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thing which not everyone in the world can do with ease. Additionally, in telling a lie to bring about good consequences, with no much certainty, there is a high chance that more worse occurrences can arise from the lie in comparison with if the truth was told. Kant says that what we can be certain of, though, is that in the event of us choosing the truth, we are avoiding the evil, but when choosing to tell a lie, we are committing the evil. He also says, the good and bad consequences are beyond our human control but what we can control is the right to choose between committing an evil or not. In the occurrence of bad consequences, they are considered not to be your fault and hence you are not held...

do the right thing at the right time. However, I am particularly interested in the moment just before you make the decision. How different are you from the leader of a large herd of migrating wildebeests? Yes, the position that many will kill for, “leadership.” Here come the hoi polloi of tired animals, about to cross this big river, heading to the land of “greener pastures.” The waters are still and Mr. Leader will be the first to into the water. The rest of the herd depends on it to determine the safety of the passage. The good thing about wise leaders is that they do not turn back, not even when the aroma of possible crocodile attack fills the air. After observing the behavior of...

do the right thing, and that morality is a matter of responsibility. Kant gives an analogy of a shopkeeper who sells goods at buying price and always gives correct change to his customers. It's morally good, but the shopkeeper might not have good intentions; hence we cannot judge his actions without looking at his intent, using the example of the woman under attack in deontology approach woman stabbing the attackers is morally wrong since everybody has a moral duty to do right. The shortcoming of this moral theory is that the woman would be killed. The woman attacking her potential killers is morally wrong according to Kant. Conclusion Is the choice made or action is taken morally right? The Kant's...