Distribution Essay Samples and Topic Ideas



distribution of Naloxone and therefore saving the lives of those who suffer from an opioid overdose. It only takes a short time to teach all pharmacists conditions under which conditions Naloxone should be used and means of administering the drug. In fact, it should be included in their curriculum to ensure that they are proficient in handling cases of opioid overdose. Consequently, it only requires a licensed doctor to issue a standing order which permits pharmacists to administer Naloxone even without the physician’s prescription. Reference Bulloch, M. (2016). As Naloxone Accessibility Increases, Pharmacist's Role Expands. Pharmacy Times. Retrieved from...

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distribution within the confines of the lung interstitium makes pulmonary hypertension worse. In addition, the pulmonary vascular disease is associated with a decrease in the surface area of the alveoli, and this subsequently disrupts the process of gas exchange. Whereas in the situation mentioned above the pulmonary vascular disease tends to aggravate the condition of pulmonary hypertension, Abman et al. (2016) indicate that this vascular disease is also a preceding risk factor for pulmonary hypertension and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. An early injury to the lungs interferes with angiogenesis, which is a paramount mediator in the process of pulmonary vascular development. Therefore, when an injury...

distribution are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the product is delivered to the consumer. This is by bridging the gap between the producer and the people who will use it, even if the parties are thousands of kilometers apart. The channels of distribution are categorized into three sections that enable facilitate this process. These are; the producer of the product, the consumer, and intermediaries who fall under wholesalers and retailers. Through the functions conducted within the channels such as; transactional functions: where there is the buying and selling and also the estimation and assumption of risk, logistical functions: where there is the assembly of products, storage, and...

distribution of the threat since other risk factors are not put into consideration as is the case of the risk assessment worksheet. By finding the average score in the threat, consequence, and vulnerability assessment, the risk assessment worksheet gives a better distribution and a better understanding of the vulnerabilities faced by the organization. Therefore, the risk assessment sheet is more representative of the threats than the risk analysis worksheet. Concurrently, the risk analysis worksheet is not as effective as the risk assessment worksheet since the level of risk is based on individual scores of the identified threat. For example, the total score, which is determined by the summation of...