Discrimination in The Workplace Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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workplace. He uses ethos to persuade the audience to see his point. He says that he is living in a free country where an adult has the right to choose what to do which also includes smoking. However, he realizes that it is unethical to blow smoke on ones face. He does support the seclusion of special smoking places at the workplace and restaurants (Anderson 328). A tax increase of 800% on cigarettes obviously is too high which is not fair for the smokers. One can almost feel the negative effect the government will have if it is allowed to take control of everything that the public does. If the government bans liquor, fast foods, and buttermilk, it is likely to create anger and unease to the...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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workplace have also improved the whole dimension of literacy. Literacy being described as the ability to read and write has met a few changes due to the introduction of information technology in the healthcare sector. The changes are meant to bring efficiency as computers tend to process information faster as compared to the human brain regarding calculations. Literacy in the current setting of nursing as reported by Saunders, Hannele, and Katri (128-140) is more characterized by the use of information technology such as the use of evidence-based research. Unlike in the past where the interviewee indicated that much of the activities at work were done manually. This involved keeping of the various...

workplace, and in family debates especially if opinions and beliefs have been predetermined and adhered too. The social psychologist named Irving Janis in his book Victims of Groupthink in 1972 talked about groupthink. In his book, he addressed why in spite of the groups having many informed and educated minds, faulty decisions were still evident. Individuals in a group who are opposed to a decision frequently remain silent deciding to keep peace and not to disrupt the uniformity of the team. Groupthink usually occurs when there is evidence of time constraint or when there exists a member who always dominates in the decision-making process. Groupthink blinds people in the group from seeing future...

workplace can take advantage of mass communication by using it to reduce costs of communication. They can use mass communication media to advertise for jobs and other opportunities and achieve a higher coverage. The media can be dispensed with in light of mass communication by ensuring steady growth of media channels towards mass media. According to Eger (2006), the media trends are changing, and this is affecting physical elements such as cities. Therefore, if the current media channels are not modified to adapt to the current developments in mass media, then they can find themselves obsolete with the rise of digital villages. According to Eger (2006), there is a shift from cyberspace to cyber...

workplace. According to Mcgreggor, there are two theories which help shape personnel management, communication at the workplace, employee’s behavior and overall organizational development (Carson 450). For instance, Theory X emphasized strict employees’ supervision, rewarding of workers and punishing of those who violate the organizational policies. On the other hand, Theory Y indicates how job satisfaction is crucial in encouraging employees to have a positive attitude towards work and deliver quality. Theory X Since theory X bases its foundation on negative assumptions about typical employees, it postulates that employees lack ambition and cannot take responsibility for themselves...

workplace examples to discuss the issue in a group setting at the workplace. A Scenario of Conflict of Feelings in a Group at the Workplace While I was working at a Technology firm during the summer holiday, I witnessed a workplace scenario whereby a team of workers conflicted over the accomplishment of a project. The group of four members was assigned a project that required them to undertake background research on the available Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in the market. Notably, the project manager had given them only two weeks to conduct the study and submit a comprehensive report. Unfortunately, the team members could not agree on the best approach despite receiving some tips and guidance...

workplace which many interpreted as a form of threat. The white supervisor argued that it was not a big deal and many who complained were being too sensitive. In fact, during the court proceedings, the supervisor commented that he did not have an issue with derogatory terms in the workplace. The court found that the company was in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The case was dealt with by Judge Harry Lee Hudspeth of the Texas District Court. Judge Harry upheld the jury verdict on an award of $200,000 as punitive damage to the three African-American employees. The court awarded $100,000 to former employee Christopher Strickland, $60,000 to former employee Leroy Beal, and...

workplace. The goal of a safety management system is to ensure that when a task is being conducted in the workplace, all precaution is taken to help in reducing the probability of having an incidence that could leave people hurt or worse. The Safety Design Review Process, Systems Safety, and Prevention by Design are concepts that interrelate with the safety management systems approach since they all seek to enhance workplace safety through proactive measures that limit risks and hazards. Key words: A Safety Design Review Process, A safety management system, Systems Safety, Prevention by Design, risks, hazards, injuries. Safety Management System Workplace safety is paramount as it ensures that...