Developed Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

developed distal lung airspace. All these disruptions result in symptoms of pulmonary hypertension and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Therefore, Abman eta l. (2016) affirms the fact that pulmonary vascular disease is a risk factor for pulmonary hypertension and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. In addition, in reference to the strong correlation between pulmonary hypertension and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, pulmonary vascular disease plays a mediating role by aggravating the condition of pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary vascular disease is attributed to poorly developed lung structures in preterm infants. Reference Abman, S. H., Grenolds, A., & Mourani, P. (2016). Pulmonary Vascular Disease in...

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developed and have mastered their feeding habits and also the ecosystems that have plenty food. Additionally, the sexuality of the bears will also influence the weight of the bears regardless of their ages. References Brase, C. & Brase, C. (2009). Understandable statistics (1st ed.). Boston, Mass.: BrooksCole. Ross, S. (2004). Introduction to probability and statistics for engineers and scientists (1st ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press....

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developed, keep on playing with a variety of tongue twister sounds to advance the verbal skills of the baby. Advance to complex sounds as the child progresses. 2. Let your baby feed herself. Let your baby practice-using spoon to feed. The baby can begin with sipping water-using spoon. Soon your baby will be able to use spoon in all meals. 3. Provide an open area where the baby can perform physical exercises such as skipping to enhance the baby physical...

developed to give judgment to people who do wrong using the established laws and procedures. The condemnation by institutions or people may be biased, and therefore, ultimately, the person who feels guilty is responsible for condemning it. If a person does something wrong and doesn’t receive clemency, then that person is guilty. Condemning the act, keeps the person in a state of guilt and that may take a long time to him or her. Anyone who has not received forgiveness is always guilty of everything. This is why a person will always say, I feel guilt or I don’t know why I feel awful. This indicates the presence of guilt in that person. However, this is not the way people should live, when...

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developed from Hadoop’s open source framework. Hive is considered essential for querying and managing large distributed datasets that are built on Hadoop. The fact that Hive works based on SQL solutions for Hadoop makes it simpler to use and provides the desired expression of SQL data from Hadoop. Thus, the use of Hive offers users with a powerful background from relational databases with an ideal interface to plug-in and custom codes. DBMS-X is an IMDB system that supports features such as column-based queries, storage, parallel processing and data compression. DBMS-X has been identified to offer enhanced performances compared to other parallel processing IMDB systems. DBMS-X is a parallel based...

developed countries making their investments in the developing countries. It creates job opportunities in the developing countries who supply labor to the new businesses (Goldberg and Nina 72). Globalization has coaxed countries to increase their exports, which can now gain market in the international trade. The increase in productivity requires an increase in labor supply which opens up jobs opportunities. Globalization has also encouraged the growth of new sectors in the market which require skilled labor force. Labor is a major factor of production. Labor mobility refers to the movement of laborers within an economy and interaction with other economies with ease. Labor mobility is divided into...

developed a criterion of ‘why' where people are compelled to check the advantages of doing some things as opposed to others. A good example is why people should save penguins? He says the answer is humans enjoy watching them. Focusing on human merits to environmental changes works because clean air and water also favor plants and animals. The general proposition becomes that humans are not the means but the end product. He hopes that such a philosophy will draw more people in. Also, he talks about what is really valuable, wealth. Money is regarded as value checks, but the true resources are the goods and services individuals are willing to forego to make a difference. The efforts and capital placed...

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developed it as a way of enhancing the human race. Through eugenics, parents can choose desirable traits for their children. Is it not natural for one to want superior health and intelligence for their children? Why would someone in their right mind want a less intelligent and a less healthy child if they have a safe option of making them more superior in that regard? I think the reason why man came up with medicine, health institutions, education, and schools was for things like superior intelligence and good health to reign over bad health and inferior intelligence. The fact that many people do not have a problem with these institutions makes me wonder why most of them have a problem with eugenics....

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developed surface-to-air missiles together with the radar-controlled anti-aircraft artillery that were able to shoot down hundreds of the American's military air crafts. Apart from shooting the American's war air crafts, North Vietnam were also able to capture hundreds of American soldiers as prisoners of war (Hybel 31). Is it right to describe the “Containment" as a flawed policy? Right from the start, it can be argued that the Vietnam War was misguided. The architects of the containment policy that resulted in the Vietnam War such as the George Kennan, Robert MacNamara, and McGeorge Bundy have publicly declared that they were wrong regarding the Vietnam War. Therefore, containment policy was a...

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developed, and all citizens must be made aware of the existence of such legislation to protect their privacy. They law should be strict and vigilant in detecting violation or manipulation of the law to suit their selfish interests. References Diamond, B. L. (1956). Isaac Ray and the trial of Daniel M'Naghten. American Journal of Psychiatry, 112(8), 651-656. Dwyer III, S. J., Weaver, A. C., & Hughes, K. K. (2004). Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Security Issues in the Digital Medical Enterprise, 72(2), 9-18. Londoño-McConnell, A. &Larson, S. (2016). Protecting your privacy: Understanding confidentiality. Retrieved 2 December 2016, from...