Description of The Beach Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

beach with them, why not she thought. It was then that she planned to steal one of their wallets. Anil, the taller one, spoke of Hinduism and happiness, while the other man spoke of Anil’s unhappiness. Suffering, all of them. Fate has brought them together and in the frame of Buddhism, one will have an epiphany. These next paragraphs will analyze who that is. The protagonist is also unhappy, but she agrees to hang out on the beach with these two strangers while they drink local wine, and share information about their personal lives. She decides she will steal someone's wallet. Desperation tends to lead to poor choices. This is where the comparison to religion comes about. All humans come to a...

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Beach and California led to the loss of lives of human beings. The law enforces ought to shoot as the last resort hence protecting live. In the issue of Texas, the police performed his duty of protecting his life. The second scenario the police overstepped on his mandate since he shot an unarmed man. The act of shooting a 66 old woman was not justified.The woman was not armed, and thus the policeman could have instead arrested him. The police shooting of Latina was justified since he was protecting property (stolen car). The last instance the police killed a person who was attempting suicide thus he acted unlawfully. The scenario in Texas had social benefit since the police were able to protect his...