Demographics Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Forever 21


demographics. Nevertheless, it is also worth noting that the company’s success has had its downside share whereby it is surrounded by numerous controversies tainting its brand. For instance, Hines (2012) reveals a lawsuit filed by Forever 21 workers claiming that the firm failed to compensate for the extra time they worked. Another issue involved allegations by the Labor Department arguing that the organization’s suppliers violated some federal policies on record keeping and wages (Li 2012). A report by Forbes (2014) indicates that Forever 21 have had about 50 copyright infringement lawsuits filed against it by different organizations. While some cases failed to reach an end, some...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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demographics of the demographics of the participants accurately described, and are they appropriate to this study?  Yes, 66 students were eighth-graders tested by the grade 7 2008 PSSA scores. The testing evaluated all 3 administrators used both conditions of the “independent variable.” P2 had 5 subjects in the experimental group and 5 in the control. P3 had 8 experimental with 10 control subjects. This study evaluated each student in each group for improvement in reading scores. The students in the experimental group participated in a meeting with each principal before testing did improve their reading scores. The control students had their meetings after the testing phase, suggesting that...



demographics, such as location and Medicaid prescription volume. The results from this study cannot be generalized, but they can be used as a basis for conducting future studies. The validity and reliability of the research instruments were not indicated. On a different note, both qualitative and quantitative data were triangulated during reporting, and the qualitative data is shown to provide ideal justifications for the reported quantitative date. Thus, this information is useful in developing hypotheses that should be tested using more credible methodologies. 3. Critiquing Systematic Reviews In the event of systematic reviews, a rather different approach would be used because the focus is on...