Decision Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

IAT Test


decisions that one makes during the test, it is the best method for one to assess their take on the issues and work towards making a better decision. The test is supposed to measure the automatic and unconscious associations with either racist words or positivity when paired with white or black people, straights and gays, violence and non-violence with weapons. The test not only encouraged me to think about the explicit associations with whites, blacks, and violence but also the connotations entangled in categorizing people. My IAT results indicated that I do not have an automatic preference for the white people and the people of color. This shows that I am not biased in either way. The level of...

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decision of the Governor is challengeable before the Supreme Court. 4). According to the U.S Supreme Court, it is only the federal government that is empowered to ban abortion at a stipulated trimester. The states lack such legislative power hence cannot outdo the decision of the federal government on the matter. Secondly, states, through its Congress have been empowered by the constitution to legislate on gun ownership. The federal government cannot interfere with these states’...

Larry Bird


decision to play basketball for “Spring Valley High School.” He was at the top of his game in his senior year, and this earned him a position in the school’s history as being the leading scorer. Having successfully shown skill in basketball, in 1974 Larry was awarded a scholarship to play for “Indiana University Hoosiers.” His stay did not last. In less than a month, he decided to leave school as the change from a simple life to a more sophisticated environment was not something that he was comfortable with. He returned to his hometown and joined Indiana State University, playing basketball for the Sycamores. With his talent in the game, he was able to steer them to the “National...

decisions challenging it as being unfair. Surprisingly, even the villagers ignore her when she yaps on the choice of the lottery (Joshi 33). The author leaves her readers to decide on whether Tessie would have protested in a situation where the person selected was not a family member. Even her family members choose to silence her when she protests against the decision. She is the exact opposite of Mr. Warner who is very keen on maintaining the status quo. The author has carefully highlighted the various issues affecting this society. Shirley Jackson has succeeded in using symbolism and other styles of writing in creating the real scenario among the readers. This enables the reader to temporarily...



decision of demoting Cassio because he always trusts Lago. Cassio meets with Desdemona who promises to do whatever possible to make Othello pardon him. Before he leaves, Lago and Othello arrive. Cassio feels troubled, and therefore he leaves devoid of talking to Othello. Othello asks if Cassio is the one who has just parted from his wife. Lago, who is out to make Othello jealous replies, “No, sure, I cannot think it,/That he would steal away so guilty –like,/Seeing your coming” (Shakespeare 38). Lago also informs Othello that there is a love affair between Cassio and Desdemona and this upsets him. When Desdemona pleads with Othello to restore Cassio, He feels that Desdemona is unfaithful....

Cell analogy


decision on the objects allowed and those that are not allowed. The animal cell membrane is able to control the particles that enter through to the cell. This is an aspect of selectivity through the sizes. Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 4: Cell membrane compares to the door of the mall The cell has a cytoplasm which performs a role akin to the one being performed by the security guards. The cytoplasm is a fluid like a matrix that does the role of ensuring that everything is in place. The cytoplasm holds the contents of the cell in their respective locations which are desired for the cell. Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 5: Cytoplasm compares to the floor with security guards The nucleus ensures...

decision to study abroad, away from home was one that did not quite resonate with my parents. According to them, my country had good enough schools, most members of my family had studied in those very schools and were doing quite well for themselves. Furthermore, I was qualified enough to go to the best college in the entire country. I think they felt that they needed to protect me from the uncertainty that comes with moving away from home. I was going to have to make huge adjustments, and since English was not my first language, it would be difficult for me to communicate and figure out my way around. Taking English 1301 has shown me just how glad I am that I managed to get them to let me go to...

decisions. The taxpayers encounter a momentous uncertainty in regards to the procedures applied in the elucidation of the beneficial owner. Encountering many incidences involving the tax treaties the domestic courts and the international judicial systems have at times differed in their decisions. For instance in a case involving Real Madrid a football club in Spain which paid a Hungarian firm for the right to utilize the image rights of one of their players. The Hungarian firm without hesitation conveyed 99 percent of the paid amount to a Holland firm (Kotlyarov 1-4). As a response the tax authorities in Spain declined the zero by retaining the tax on royalties under the Hungary-Spanish treaty on the...

My Decision


decision. I think that the judge should rule the case in the counsel’s favour as they have presented enough evidence and facts for the rule to favour them. The forensic evidence is enough to implicate the culprit and as such I would prefer the judge to rule in the counsel’s favour. From the analysis of the evidence, the judge might see otherwise. But, according to what I know the case is finished for the culprit. There have been computer-generated images (CGI) and simulations done on the collected evidence and there is no other possibility. However, I do understand that the judge is the decider of the case and can rule otherwise. The defendant’s lawyer might get something to free him from a...

decision making. Are the actions of the activists taking girls from the village ethical? It is ethical for the activists to take these girls from the village. Even if these girls emanate from cultures that support beading, any form of assistance should be offered to them. When they are taken out of the village, these girls are prevented from contracting diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Since taking them out of the village impacts their physical well-being, it also alleviates their mental health. Most of these girls are often traumatized due to the oppressive and derogative nature of beading, as a cultural practice. Can you apply the five-phase ethical decision-making model to this ethical...