Debt Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

debts can accumulate over time leading to massive debts that cannot be easily paid from one’s income. Many people have as a result been rendered bankrupt and their plans in life destroyed. Final copy The primary reason for the use of credit cards is the convenience that they offer. Credit cards eliminate the need to carry huge sums of money from place to place so as to make any purchases. The dangers that come with handling vast amounts of money are countless therefore these cards have come as a huge relief to many shoppers who only knew cash as the only mode of payment (Birukova, 2016). Credit cards also offer instant cash to users who are short of cash to buy the product they require or pay...

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debt issues. Indeed, this has been caused due to high spending rates in the elderly population and low income from taxes. Another impact of an increasing aging population is that it may lead to a shortage of the working population. The reason behind this is that most old people are not physically fit and therefore they aren’t able to provide the required labor in the economy. Indeed, due to a shortage in the working population, people may decide to increase their wages and this event may lead to a wage inflation. On the other hand, firms may encourage people to enter the labor market by providing better wages (Bell& Jordana, n.d). An aging population may also lead to the decline in economic...

debt financing due to its global knowing and endorsement by famous organizations like the Clinton Foundation. Moreover, the company can attract huge revenues by partnering with non-governmental organizations and government through its effort in ensuring people have shoes. In this regard, the company can mass-produce shoes for such organizations at lower prices due to economies of scale. While the organizations get enough shoes, the company has access to high revenue that can make it continue with its charitable work like distribution of shoes. Another step for the company can be diversity through engaging in the production of other lines of production like clothing. Although the majority of persons...

debt. As such, it would be important for the company to maintain its current assets so as to aid in predict the probability, timing and amount of future cash flows thereby acting as a reflection of financial flexibility and liquidity. These three reasons would justify the decision to retain current assets since they provide some financial stability and security for the company. Also, it should still be noted that current assets are a way of holding cash for the company. On the other hand, it should be noted that current assets serve as a source of ready cash and should be used as such. This means that if the company needs ready cash then it should consider reducing the current assets and turning them...

debt/ equity ratio as being a long term goal. The company has not paid dividends and therefore has accumulated funds over the period. In the same period, the company has invested in various projects. The firm should use the hybrid approach since the enterprise will be in a position to balance between the long term and short term goals of the company. Several factors influence the dividend policy of a firm. These factors comprise of the liquidity of the enterprise, legal requirements, earnings stability, and tax implications among others. A stock dividend or stock split would suffice since the shareholders want to maximize their wealth. The stock split will see shareholders get more shares on top of...

debt averaging at 5 trillion US dollars. Trump is planning to get money to pay for the projects through and infrastructure fund that will enable the raising of enough money in deficit to build the American economy. The government will raise funds from government bonds that will be repaid back to the citizens or the people within a particular period after their maturity (Timiraos). The issue is that the deficit will keep widening despite the fact that the current situation has proved to be somewhat efficient because of the gradual decline in the rate of unemployment. Private investors and citizens are to be critical in raising the money required to propel Donald Trump’s projects in the...



debt and overhead costs, and utilization of new technologies to make operations more efficient and cost-effective. As the business grows, the company will pursue other corporate strategies such as the strategic acquisition of rival pharmaceuticals so as to increase market share and reduce competition. To ensure that these corporate strategies are successful, they will be aligned with the company’s long-term objectives. The above corporate strategies will be complemented by specific marketing strategies, whose focus will revolve around the development, pricing, and distribution of the company’s product. With regards to Alima’s pharmaceutical products, the marketing strategies that will be...