Data collection Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Data Collection: What are we willing to give?”). Despite the prevalence of reduced costs and improved outcomes in health care, for instance, it is unethical for health practitioners to employ predictive analytics in acquiring solutions for their patients. Incorporation of this method in healthcare often deprives patients of useful and requisite information. While employing predictive analysis, physicians may suppress certain details from patients, assuming irrelevance of this information. Other patients supposedly affiliated with the information, according to predictive analytics, are then equipped to the letter. Ethically, it is uncouth to utilize predictive analysis for individuals’ decisions...

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data collection, this study also follows suit. Qualitative methods of collecting the data were also used in the development of the research methodology. A challenge encountered in the methodology of this research is the over reliance on the quantitative findings from the reviewed literature in the earlier stages of the research. Qualitative methods of collecting data brought about advantages as they catered for an implicit understanding of interviewee groups from a social perspective. However, this research method had a challenge of diversity since the methods had to rely on variable human social factors which hinder measurability as well as accuracy (Jun & Espelage, 115-126). WEEK 4 1. Research...

data collection and research. I believe they firmly position me to learn more advanced concepts in the master’s program. Indeed, while pursuing a Bachelor of Science in International Business Economics, I learned programming skills in VBA, STATA statistical language. I applied these skills when processing customers’ loan request at HSBC’s Corporate Banking Department, and during analysis of actual financial projects during the Financial Management Trainee program. These invaluable opportunities ignited my enthusiasm in designing innovative business analytic models. Analyzing large volumes of data posed significant challenges. For example, industrial analysis and financial statement evaluations...

data collection, storage, management, analysis, and production of valuable information. The instance here implies that the GIS process serves the role of imputing raw data sets towards the production of valuable input information ( 1). Other parties depend on the input of exact data on historical past and utilization of the GIS capability in the production of approximations or predictions and giving the response to plans linked to the natural phenomenon. Transportation planning as example of the successful application of GIS Currently, GIS is successfully utilized in the management of problems associated with transport and logistics. In any case, most government's department of...



data collection The study relied on questionnaires (surveys) for data collection whereby a set of questions was availed to respondents, and they were required to answer those questions. A drawback of this method of data collection is bias due to self-reporting. A majority of the respondents may not clearly remember some of the activities they may have undertaken in the past. This could be due to memory loss since the respondents are older adults between the age of 55 and 74 years who could be slowly suffering from memory loss that was undetectable during the screening phase. For instance, the measurement of physical actions whereby respondents were asked a set of questions relating to everyday...

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