Creation Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

creation and daily providence are all instances that indicate the Almighty’s tender mercies for all human beings (Job 37: 11-13). Moreover, the laws of the Almighty contain numerous provisions that protect people who are helpless with the mercies (Deut 22: 6-7). In the Bible, the mercies of the Almighty convinced Jonah that Nineveh would be forgiven (Jonah 4:2). The Bible contains numerous examples of the mercies of God to men and women: Adam, Noah, Hagar, Isaac, the widow of Nain, and amongst others. There is also the situation when God granted people spiritual forgiveness and mercy to great sinners. Conclusion These two terms can be thought of as two sides of a coin, whereby one provides...

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creation of a different character, which is distinct from their sibling’s (Harder, par. 5). The way a family perceives a certain child can highly cause the child to be separate from the other. For example, a family with two kids may speak out that one child is over extrovert while the other is just sociable. Eventually, it may result in that family mistaking the second child to be an introvert based on the first child’s comparison while in the actual sense the child is not. The perception created in the second child with time interferes with his choices such as he would choose friends or things that would affirm the family opinion. Consequently, with time the differences grow. Research show...

creation of expansive financial opportunities with the aid of elements such as liberalization of markets, technological progress as well as advancement in telecommunication. The trends will affect the KSA financial institutions and economy n varied ways. There would be many efforts towards the enhancement of technology so as to have quick processing of financial data for assets management. There would also be advancement towards globalization through the embrace of technology and permeation of liberal markets to match the globalization demands. There would also be over viewing of the distinction between usage of cash and the electronic systems. The Saudi Vision 2030 The Saudi Vision 2030 denotes an...

creation of viable alternative points which may be opposing to the earlier submitted cases. Conclusio forms the final part of speech whereby; the narrator sums up all the points given in the argument and pushes the listener to act or think in a way that is compatible with the ideas presented. Specific rhetorical devices Analogy: this notion is an example of a particular rhetorical device. It entails the comparison of two things that have similar characteristics. For instance, one could say that a person was walking slowly like a snail. There is a general knowledge that a snail saunters. Giving an analogy of the snail as the presentation of how the person was walking gives the audience the opportunity...

  • Words: 825
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creation of new procedure to process the information (Santrock, 224). In summary, the information processing approach describes the process of developing cognitive skills as having a simple model of three stages, that is, attention, memory, and thinking. Encoding is an Activity between Attention and Memory In order to understand this approach, I did unobtrusive observation study using students learning in a school as subjects. In early stages of the learning process of a child, the teacher concentrates on teaching them simple things such as naming objects. The teacher points on an object and the children are expected to recognize it or name it. To begin with, the teacher starts with simpler objects...

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creation of specific lines for those involved in carpooling. It would also be advisable to use bicycles when traveling short distances so as to avoid the traffic. Most towns have encouraged this means of reducing traffic jams by having dedicated lines for bikes only. If three of five people use bicycles to go to their work, schools, or colleges, the traffic will be reduced. Bike riding is also a sporting as well as a means of keeping fit. Renting or building of houses close to the place where you study or work will also reduce congestion of vehicles on the road. Many people involved in professional careers or other sectors usually live far from where they work. This situation leads to the...

creation and the existence of man and gods, the story of Gilgamesh is robust and intriguing. It is an exciting piece that sparks passion and celebrates brotherhood and understanding between people. It seeks to find answers on what amount of sacrifice must be made by man to be civilized and the responsibilities of any sober king. It offers a great insight into the human conditions of life and death and all the truth that touch on all of the mankind. Above all, Gilgamesh describes the grapples men must face in their quests for fulfillment and self-discovery to appreciate life despite the inescapable situation of death. Works...

Creation of Children with Preferred Traits The scientific term for this act is known as eugenics. Francis Galton developed it as a way of enhancing the human race. Through eugenics, parents can choose desirable traits for their children. Is it not natural for one to want superior health and intelligence for their children? Why would someone in their right mind want a less intelligent and a less healthy child if they have a safe option of making them more superior in that regard? I think the reason why man came up with medicine, health institutions, education, and schools was for things like superior intelligence and good health to reign over bad health and inferior intelligence. The fact that many...

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creation of employment and job opportunities which in the long run boosts the economy. The significance of the Mara National Reserve cannot be overlooked to that effect. For scholars and researchers, the reserve is a vital research center especially for the spotted hyena commonly known as the laughing hyena. Its scientific name is Crocuta crocuta. Not many show concern for this animal which is experiencing a reduction in numbers due to territory loss and poaching. It should be of academic interest due to their multifaceted communal behaviors. Apart from being a vital research center, it also offers a golden opportunity for makers of television documentaries to capitalize on. A good example to...

  • Words: 550
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creation of a policy that seeks to promote wellness amongst officers is critical in enabling them to attain the objectives of their work. Wellness programs offer a platform upon which the officers can promote healthy lifestyles and make healthier life choices. The occupational fatality rate is considered at three to five times greater than that of the average working nation (Senjo, 2011). The risks that the officers face imply that the respective states in the European Union must put in place relevant initiatives to protect officers against being incapacitated emotionally, mentally, and physically against the hazards that they face at work. Officers also need to be in good health to enable them to...