Counseling Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

counseling process and outcome, or in the event of such incidences; there should be information on the household concerned. Once the family members have the information, they can serve a significant purpose in monitoring and help the victim to go over their emotional stress at the end changing their decision. In so doing, the confidentiality right is compromised, but it is shared to those held close to the client. Therefore, life will be saved at the expense of a compromised confidentiality right. Furthermore, the involvement of the legal authorities would improve the privacy right as well as minimize the likelihood life loss through suicides. The dilemmatic incidence of the right to privacy arises...

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counseling unit. The inclusion of Pharmacists in this area has cut down the preventable post-discharge incidences from 10% to 1 %. Medication safety personnel must collaborate with all the other people involved in their respective disciplines (Schnipper et al., 2006). To achieve accuracy in drug administration, a culture of good communication for relaying the correct intended information is essential. Pharmacists should be actively involved in the planning and implementation in the organization. They should have a leadership role. This is to ensure that any technology acquired will support safe medication use. Medical technology has significantly improved the medical and prevented the potential...

Counseling Approaches Work? What We Currently Know.” The thread that runs throughout the paper is an examination of the “effectiveness of lay Christian counseling”; and whether studies support a claim that lay counseling is effective. According to the authors, Durlak review of forty-two studies, comparing paraprofessional to professional counseling revealed that the former is just as effective as the latter. The paper acknowledges that while paraprofessional counseling has been a subject of empirical evidence over its effectiveness, lay Christian counseling still swims on the backwaters. The article explored recent studies on the approaches to lay counseling. The current approaches do not...