Context Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

context of ethics in information and communication technology has been a topic of research for the academic world and the public, particularly from the introduction of computers and the conformation of artificial intelligence. Therefore, it is apparent that these technologies have a nature defined by emergence and creativity (Meola, 2016). Moreover, people understand these technologies can perform human tasks, induce specific feelings, and enforce certain patterns as part of their collective development and logic of functionality. Nonetheless, as much as these factors result to the imperative and maximum efficiency of the smart machines, it poses multiple ethical issues (Popescul & Georgescu,...

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context. Today’s challenging business world requires professionals with the ability to apply advanced analytical methods and tools (Lee 1). At UBC, I anticipate gaining a holistic understanding of business, decision making, communication, ethics, problem-solving, and teamwork. Work Cited Lee, Robert. “Master of Business Analytics: Program Overview.” UBC Sauder School of Business. Accessed from:

context, organizational commitment, and person-organization fit." Journal of Business Ethics 41.4 (2002):...



context was hindered due to individual and organization factors. These factors include; differences in professional culture, knowledge base, and professional power. Due to lack of appropriate collaboration between the intern and the supervisors the clinical work was impeded. This issue was solved through instructing proper orientation and education among the new employee’s or interns joining the workforce. Additionally, senior managers and supervisors were advised to stick to their duties and mandates. According to Steihaug et al. (2016), Power inequality between health care providers and patients, defining roles and duties as well as management is critical in enhancing a better environment for...

context of a family as an institution and an association. Family as an association is temporary, clearly, from the novel, Manjiro meets Captain’s family who was lovely and caring even more than his family back in Japan (Writt, 2010). Manjiro is adopted by the family in America and stays for a long time as one of them being amalgamated by their culture. Flexibility in culture and customs enables Manjiro to learn a foreign language which ultimately assists him to exist with the Americas as one. He is educated and travels to several parts of the world of which he could not have witnessed if he was in Japan (Preus, 2010). Captain’s family in America is educative and shows more moral support to...

context where irony is used in the text is when he describes the inability of consumers to detect deception in the paid advertisement of products in the society. Sarcasm is used in this context to ensure that the readers are not offended based on the extremity of their religious beliefs. Sagan uses anaphora throughout the text. The first part of the speech uses repetition of "I" to illustrate the author's experience with factious deception after the death of his parents. “I was very close to them. I still miss them. I know I always will. I long to believe that their essence, their personalities, and what I loved so much about them are really and truly.” (Sagan 1). The use of anaphora in the...

context we look at a scenario that took place some years back at my former workplace; there were two people involved in sexism, they were my close friends. It was noted that they were continually making sexist comments and it was almost time that the rest of the workers go fed up with them and reported them to the Human Resource Manager for further actions. I noticed that they had no idea their phrases were sexist and they were making people in the workplace uncomfortable. I decide to request for time from the coworkers that wanted to report them and have a chat with them. However, the challenge was that they were very close friends and they might not take my advice seriously and were likely to react...

context. Therefore, managers should seek to learn about the culture of the countries they are posted to so as to ensure that succeed. In general, I believe that cultural intelligence is a critical factor for success for managers in a foreign environment. Response to Kizzie Davis I agree with you that a manager needs to learn and embrace the culture of foreign countries when on assignments. You have clearly brought out the benefits of learning about other cultures in your post. For example, if you are providing a new product, knowing how the foreign community will respond is essential for the success of the product. The manager is able to tailor the product to meet the needs of the foreign...

context of the organization because to successfully eliminate the problem of the language barrier it is paramount to start by changing the feeling and thought of employees toward each other. This will help to build strong work relationships. The strategy is feasible as it emphasizes the importance of proper training interventions. Such includes programs to develop conversational skills, to improve listening skills. Proper training on non-verbal and verbal communications, negotiation skills and receiving feedback significantly help in achieving a healthy workplace thus all the organization employees harmoniously work together toward organizational success. Inclusivity and diversity training will help...

context, process, and purpose....