Content Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

content that starts from the user and is shared with others, being visible by other users of the social network. When referring to content we refer to ideas, opinions, beliefs, personal, social, political feelings; where it allows the interaction between a wide range of users worldwide. Due to the effects that the influence of social networks can have on harmful behavior in subjects of many ages, the phenomenon to be treated in this work is that of sex addiction. This, unfortunately there was still no DSM-IV or the International Classification of Diseases (CIE-10), however, from the DSM-V, it has been determined as a hypersexuality disorder that is characterized by an excess in the quantity and...

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content, artistic value and art autonomy. Architecture being a useful art to society concerns it, from Kant's perspective, a corresponding and co -responsible ethic (Gutierrez, 2013). However, it is difficult. Compatibilization between these two facts is a problem to be solved, since political action promotes the artistic creation of our time. Kant talks about separate judgments corresponding to truth, goodness and beauty and that the human being will be in charge of identifying them, since it is the individual who will see them as truths, will value their benefits and enjoy their beauty. In his criticism of the trial, he presents the difference between the beautiful, what is natural and vital for...

content are preserved. White light of high technical intensity to decontaminate surfaces, inactivating microorganisms through short, intense and broad spectrum pulses, rich in UV-C light (it is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Ionizing irradiation used to delay biological processes (maturation and senescence) of fresh and vegetable fruits, as well as to eliminate insects and parasites in various foods. Cold plasma has the ability to inactivate a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, molds, yeasts, spores and even viruses, prions and...

content of this expert report is the truth according to my loyal knowledge and understand that prior to its elaboration and during its elaboration I have acted with objectivity , and I will do it in case of further requested any intervention on my part.  Developing In turn, I state that I do not know about possible positions or interpretations that, if applied to the analysis object of this expert report they would have resulted in a different conclusion from that recorded in this document of an expert reporting report. Initially the First Court of Judgment proposed points of expertise, which were released to the experts by the First Judgment Court. Who commissioned the experts an analysis and...

contents on which the investigation will be based belong to Unit 4: Marketing, 4.3 sales forecast, specifically at point 4.3.1 mobile average of up to 4 periods, trend and prognosis of sale using given information and 4.3.2 benefits and limitations of a sales forecast. For the conduct of the research, primary sources will be used such as the interview oriented to the acquisition of relevant information by the manager, in order to detect the problem facing your company. Likewise, secondary sources will be used, such as: Reliable websites, documents corresponding to the management of the company of which the states of loss and loss will be required specifically. Books based on the contribution that...

content changes and whose structure adapts to social life. Developing Myths are not static, but rather they are dynamic and versatile processes;that adapt to the circumstances and different environments. For Lévi-Strauss, myths establish behavior models to follow by society, since it considers them true. In this way, myths justify behaviors and attitudes according to the message they transmit and that society assumes as truth. This is what happens with the myths of romantic love: harmful and violent behaviors are justified around the belief of an ideal love. Romantic love myths. The project detects Andalusia, gathered a series of fallacies and false beliefs about the ideal of romantic love,...

content by which the communication or communication process is carried out. Through these instruments, society is informed and cultured. When the citizen agrees to newspapers, informative and magazines, among other resources, the act of communication occurs. Developing. Manipulation in the media has existed since the creation of these. That is, over time it has been seen how this phenomenon has not happened by surprise, but those who devised television as an informative medium and newspapers have seen an opportunity to explain a reality according to their interests.  We live in a very large, divided and diversified society, this generates that each one has many opinions regarding different...

content is just a sample of what the human being can do only by following a culture or tradition, leaving aside the consanguineous line, the feelings towards a child, and without respectingof the right to...

content and thus give way to new hypotheses that will require new facts, in order to ensure their veracity. The deductive process is not static, since it varies according to the new facts that are presented as the investigation progresses. Developing This type of reasoning helps us to investigate more depth in the various cases that may arise from day to day, regardless of matter, since the hypothesis approach always forces the researcher to verify through the facts the veracity ofThe same and if a case to the contrary, will be forced to raise new hypotheses and reach the most accurate or close to the truth. Example: A young couple A and B disappeared, during a walk in Arequipa. However, after an...