Confederation Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

confederation; Constitution of the State of California; Act for the admission of California into the Union; constitutional history of California; the California legislature, 1957. Sacramento: California Legislature, Assembly. Foundation for the United States Constitution. (1988). Constitution. New York, NY: Foundation for the U.S....

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confederation. However, the discussion resulted in the formation of the entirely new constitution as many compromises made in a bid to appease local factions characterized the proceedings. The main themes dominating the ratification debate included the constitutions parliamentary system, three-fifths compromise and the bill of rights which brought up the element of robust and weak governments ("Federalists And Antifederalists" N.p). Delegates from different states attended the convention. Since the articles gave one vote equally to all the state in Congress, the issue of representation among the different states almost threatened to end the conference. The small states were in support of equal...



confederation flag. It is reported that the Confederate flag represented the General Robert’s army of northern Virginia as the stars and not the collective confederate states of America. Many of the southerners who regard the flag as a symbol of dignity and their pride must be living in denial. The truth is it took nearly a full century after the Confederacy was defeated in the civil war for the Afro-natives to be regarded as American citizens. Even then, they still don’t have an equal right with the whites. Racism is still underway although not as open as it was in the 1950s. Many whites still hold at the racism that fuelled the Confederacy defeat. To Douglass, this was a significant step...