Conclusion Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Conclusion In conclusion, notwithstanding the book’s relative absence of profound sociological scrutiny, it is directly cited as a sociological work of literature. In my opinion, the author offers a clear, brave description of life experiences within an infamous Chicago housing scheme. The book intertwines matters and problems of social categorizations, ethnicity, sex as well as crime. However, it is slightly a pedestrian piece than an intellectual analysis of the sociological issues. It would integrate well as a textbook in various undergraduate programs and offers a good source of a fascinating, comprehensive ethnography for analysis in a sociological study methods lessons. Lastly, it is valuable...

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conclusion, it is evident that the internet has been unquestionably been helpful. However, there are indicators are there to show that the internet has also brought about major concerns in the society. Hence, it is vital that balance is struck between individuals’ online life and their contact with actual people. People must continue to use social networks in a more constructive manner in order to help the society since it is clear that the internet can enhance or harm individuals’ social life as well as their social skills. Essentially, it is vital to assess how the Internet impacts people socially. Work Cited Bargh, John A., and Katelyn YA McKenna. "The Internet and social life." Annu. Rev....

conclusion, even though the involvement of the government in healthcare is not appreciated by many, and mainly the high-income earners, it plays a fundamental role in ensuring the poor gain access to basic health services, which they would not receive if the government did not have a hand in it. Also, the government is a regulatory body of healthcare standards, sponsors efforts aimed at making new discoveries and strengthening the primary health care systems, and ensures the healthcare models are commensurate with the continually evolving healthcare system. References Frieden, T. R. (2013). Government’s role in protecting health and safety. The New England Journal of Medicine, 368, 1857-1859....

Conclusion Somalia as a nation has experienced civil strife for over two decades with no hopes of peace or improved security shortly since the nation is characterized by self-governance in most of the nation. The nation further faces health challenges especially when it comes to maternal health and vaccinations. Foreign aid and loans from international lending bodies will boost this nation’s economy if the leaders formulate policies to favor socio-economic development. Political stability in this nation will promote economic and social development since peace is the primary factor that has been affecting Somalia for over two decades. Somalia should also reduce its dependence on imports but rather...

  • Words: 1100
  • Pages: 4
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conclusions from the analysis results. The general theory informs that a link exists between limited health literacy and a decline in physical functioning. The study aimed to establish whether there is a link between limited health literacy and a decline in physical functioning among the elderly. The study collected data, analyzed the data, and drew conclusions from the analysis results. The quantitative design is correlational since the study involves no treatment (medical), the study aims to examine a relationship between variables, and the representative sample is evaluated as a single group. 2. Critiquing research designs The research design in this study exhibits a high degree of panel...

  • Words: 825
  • Pages: 3
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Conclusion The Furioso Horse breed is a uniform and extremely valuable horse breed. Currently, the breed is facing the threat of extinction; thus, the task at hand remains to protect the Furioso Horse breed from gene erosion. An increase in the body mass of this breed is desirable, and selection of the breed is carried out according to its descendants and conformation before they are bred. Before individual animals from the Furioso, the bloodline is utilized for breeding they are tested saddle or harness use. The specific characteristics, like the cool temper, makes Furioso breed worth saving. Furthermore, if well taken care of, the Furioso breed can be useful for very many purposes, both economic...

Conclusion The one premise in this proposal is the acquisition applying the information learned from the questionnaire to create a better study environment. These are critical skills for all students. Everyone will have to take tests throughout their lives. It is part of getting a good job and staying employed. Better study habits will reduce the stress involved and a better grade. Most degree fields require certifications or a license. Most of the professional testing requires closed book testing. More than ever students must retain information to pass these tests. Learning good study habit made this student graduate with a better grade point average than ever before. One can always do better to...

Conclusion I. Summary - As I conclude, I believe that today we have managed to learn about the materials required and procedures or process needed in the in the installation of electrical outlets. II. Clincher – It is with my full belief that the procedure presented here on the installation of electrical outlets will you equip with necessary knowledge and skills so that you may come up with good outcomes in the future when you perform the experiment yourself. References Linsley, T. (2009). Introduction to electrical installation work (1st ed.). Oxford: Newnes.  PlanItDIY,. (2016). Installing an Electrical Outlet. PlanItDIY. Retrieved 2 December 2016, from...

conclusion; people are entitled to live as they choose irrespective of moral or ethical standards. Therefore, her objections are not successful in convincing me otherwise. My nihilistic view is life is meaningless on its own, and nothing a person does or fails to do changes it; the only option humans have is to just live. Conclusion I find the idea of the meaning of life as described by Susan Wolf to be fallacious because she indirectly introduces a force of nature which controls everything. The implication being that there is some objective value of a good life. On her explanation, she goes further to define participating in something worthwhile to be meaningful. Projects of worth differ from one...