Comparing Cultural Gender Roles Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

roles in a fascist state were to be upheld or even exaggerated, while communism believed that it is political and economic decisions would be made through cumulative voting or by the state's rulers for the population (Ball & Dagger 215). Communism maintains that economic and class relations are the primary determinants of social conditions because a lot of the happenings in the society rely on the organization of the people in working and production of goods and services (Ball & Dagger 193). This emphasis then makes a case for the distinct class divisions in the society, and in such a case if a particular case of the community has absolute wealth control that limits the choices available to...

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roles. Feminist theory views the society regarding the forces that create and sustain, oppression, inequality, injustice, and by doing so, enhances the pursuit of justice and equality. Feminist theory provides an analysis for understanding how the position of women in the society is different from that of men. The various roles given to men and women in the society within several institutions can explain gender differences, for example, labour in households is mainly performed by women justifying why women are at the forefront of fighting for employment rights of house labourers. Feminist theories focusing on gender inequality that the position of women, and experience of, social scenarios are...

roles among the partners in a marriage are facilitated by the realization of oneself despite the circumstances faced. The women gender is displayed in diverse ways by both the two authors. Henrik through the use of Hedda depicts the female sex as deceiving, controlling and of superiority. Contrary, Zora presents it as the hardworking, aggressive, brave, and submissive yet it’s oppressed and mistreated by their counterpart male...



Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing. Ed. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen and Bonnie Lisle. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s P (2004). Fey, Tina. "Windy City Full of Meat." Bossypants. Reagan Arthur Books, 2011. Gladwell, Malcolm. "Black like them." The New Yorker 72.10. 1996. 74. Nelson, Maria, Burton. I Won, I’m Sorry. Chemaly, Soraya. 10 Words Every Girl Should Learn. Role Reboot....

roles refer to the physical outlook of gender or rather what the society usually considers as gender stereotypes of what is feminine and masculine. This includes things like wearing skirts, having long and short hair. However, it is important to note that since these are own society views, the individual sense might be completely different. In this regard, the term cross gender is used to describe people who behold behavior that is stereotyped to belong to the opposite gender. Moreover, transsexual is used to refer to a group of people who transits to the opposite gender. Though gender variations are factors that require great attention in the society, research has found out that most of the...

roles which are attached to them. These are the requirements for women enduring suffering, remaining pure, and the need to remain obedient to their fellow men. Additionally, machismo is another contributor for women to fail to undergo screening. Under machismo, men are regarded as dominant figures and powerful people in the society. Such dynamism results in situations where Hispanics women are powerless in the relationships with their partners among their healthcare providers. It can be seen that the presence of cultural barriers plays a huge role in the presence of cervical cancer to the Hispanic population of the US. A huge contribution of this is attributable to cultural beliefs, issues of...

roles in understanding the tenets of language, as will be discussed in the paper. Language and Gender Language is an important feature in the society because it assists people to communicate with one another. In addition, it also strives to strengthen the relationships among human beings in various societies. Sociolinguists, in examining the relationship between language and society, have delineated differences in the language used by males and females. Exploration of language and gender is a clear indication of the prevalence of these cultural distinctions between men and women. Specific approaches in sociolinguistics reiterate the variations in language apropos of gender. As both language...

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gender, the writer brings about a counterargument about the inevitability of cultural changes. In addition, Tannen discusses the differences between men and women apropos of orders, commands and requests. She reiterates that male folk often showcase superiority by utilizing commands rather than requests (Tannen, 2007, p.3-4). It is important, Adichie reiterates, to advocate for an equality of the sexes. Gender socialization should not interfere with the ability of males and females to interact with one another. Through subtly, this social construction is a scheme that fuels the existence of gender discrimination in various societies. Works Cited Tannen, Deborah. "Can't We Talk?" (Condensed from: You...

roles. Either way, it can be seen that the male gender is more likely to reject mediation as a mechanism in solving their conflict. Alternatively, in some cases are more like to choose negotiation one-on-one with their partners so that they dominate the process (Donovan, 1). In conclusion, regardless of the variety alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, mediation is one of the best if not the best when it comes to divorce. This is because as seen earlier, it helps in saving the children from the distressful process of divorce that can lead to depression, makes the couple reach an agreeable solution. This is because they are the ones who decide on the best solution for both parties. It also makes...