Commercialisation of Education Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

education, the institution combines the medical genres with cultures making the university lively. I have experienced this through my close friends who went through the same, and their perception of life was changed for the best. Further, they developed careers and knowledge that is helping them in their daily activities. I would want to follow the same process and broaden my knowledge in the medical field. Studying medicine in the university will provide me good mentors and have a stable career in the future. Having been approved by the government and the Ministry of Education as eligible to offer this course is enough proof to me that I will have both the quality access to academic references and...

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education sector. As a way to achieve it, the district has implemented comprehensive educational programs for all students comprising those with special needs and gifted abilities. The district likewise fosters various community-based learning programs, support for early intervention literacy, extended day care, and an extensive menu of courses for high school students. The range of courses includes technology, arts and music, and foreign language instructions. LMSD’s performance management activities encompass the development and implementation of procedures and policies to ensure that schools, instructors, and staff provide educational services that effectively address the needs of students...

education is not a big deal, but only the survival and experience after joining the institutions and graduating is where the issue exists. It is mentioned that “Five months later, Vanessa’s parents dropped her off at her dorm in Austin. She was nervous, a little intimidated by the size of the place, but she was also confident that she was finally where she was meant to be. People had warned her that U.T. was hard” (Tough 1). Besides, the first factor involves the parental income. The low-income students get it difficult to complete their college studies and graduate because they do not receive sufficient funds to support their education. As such, they encounter several challenges after joining...

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education. The label motivated them, through the labeling theory, as they integrated it into their self-concept. For example, seven of the Saints members continued to college closely after high school. Accordingly, “Five of the boys graduated from college in four years” (Chambliss 8). Conversely, the Roughnecks, who were perceived not to proceed to the college education, struggled to go not to that level of education. For instance, two of the group members did not even finish high school, including Tommy (Chambliss 7). Works Cited Chambliss, William J. "The Saints and the Roughnecks." Society 11.1 (1973):...

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Education (Foner & Garraty, 2016). The ruling was widely challenged by the white individuals while it was immensely welcomed and celebrated by the black people. The concept of wealth is based on summing up the amount individual assets without incorporating any debts.(M., 2011). The net wealth is higher among white people than other races. In relation to income differences, Hispanics tend to receive low wages since most of them are in low-income employments. Despite the insurance policies that cover income earners to access public health facilities, there is still discrimination (M., 2011). This is because the services are poor compared to private health facilities which are only affordable to the...

education sector is currently improving due to various inventions such as the grading software that is being incorporated in teaching systems. However, the authenticity of this grading software is still questioned by many professional individuals in the academic field. For example, the automated essay scoring software cannot be considered intelligent at grading. This is because the machine relies on human examples in order to be able to grade. Therefore, this grading software can be termed as efficient but not effective. For example, the scoring is based on the length of the sentences, presence of keywords and construction of the sentences (Laudon & Laudon, n.d). This means the scoring could be...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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education and health care, among other sectors. Technological advancements have complemented human labor; ensuring that there is an increase in productivity. Comparing the hand-chisel and chain saw, it is obvious that the latter prove more efficient due to its powerful and developed nature. Inasmuch as technology offers different advancements, the issue of efficiency is more important because of its role in ascertaining progress in various sectors. Nonetheless, there are potential negatives affiliated with technological advancements. These newly developed technologies often cause unemployment opportunities. While they may be used in complementing human labor, they replace human labor. In such...

education, it includes the characteristic of problem-solving, gathering data from both the primary and first-hand sources, and accurate observation and description. Research involves an observable experience and empirical evidence. As a discipline, it emphasizes on the development of some generalized principles and theories aiming to assist in predicting the outcome of the events or serve as the control. As a constituent of research, the use of set objectives directs the method of performing the research and also governs the achievement of the fair solution towards a problem. About the approaches to educational research, two main methods are standard, which include the basic and applied approach. In...

Education in the USA Thesis: The recent directive by President Morgan Klump to forbid education of immigrant children is, unlawful because it denies the humanity of these children by excluding them to one of the fundamental rights. Introduction Definition of children (UN definition) and the reason for the vitality of education at this stage. Definition of Fundamental rights. Thesis History of rights to education Global rise of children rights Rise of rights to education policies in the US Landmark legal case: Plyler v. Doe Brief review of the case Analysis of relevance of the case Discussion Discuss of relevance of information to the current scenario Conclusion: The recent presidential...

Discussion 6


Education is the process of delivering systematic instruction to learners in schools and institutions. There has been a wide discussion among various stakeholders, ranging from government, parents, institutions and churches. Their argument is the difference between the traditional and progressive form of education. Everyone accepts it as being the best and irreplaceable process since it shapes the future of the young ones. Unfortunately, the agreement ends there due to various opinions of what education is, how to be conducted and for what period of time. This argument has been on since the twentieth century, drawing two sides between the traditionalists and the progressives. This paper is aims to...