Comment Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

comment on their political views. For instance, they may air a political topic, like the efficiency of the current president’s government, and the general public will jump on board and air their views. Some of the challenges facing the political arena are brought out by the media too. Terrorism, amongst many others, is a major setback, as seen in (Clarke, 2008). The news media brings the society into the knowledge of such. They have the responsibility of giving the correct information, against which adverse effects follow. For instance, if they were to give false information, it would cause unease and terror in the community, paralyzing the normal activities of the public. How electronic media...

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comment is incorrectly punctuated or misspelled. The intended party will be left to guess what message you were trying to put forth. A miscommunication may arise if they guess wrong. Correct sentences improve the effectiveness of communications between parties as they lack distractions. The errors make it harder to read and understand a message. Communication is vital for professionals and thus should always produce the required course of action and not lose the audience. It is also good to correctly punctuate, spell and have good grammar to avoid costly lawsuits as a professional. A professional may convey some information with some mistakes leading to miscommunication which may misguide a client...

Comment Based on the information given by the article, Mr. Williams portrays have poor skills in managing people because, in his previous working experience, one of his partners indicated that Mr. Williams had a weakness in taking care of the people who helped him earn his success. It can also be explained by his inability to make quick decisions regarding his colleagues and their suitable positions. He also possesses average skills in managing resources, which has helped Twitter maintain its place in the social media industry. In addition to that, he also portrays a strong technical competence, which explains why he stepped down from being the CEO to a position that will allow him to focus on the...

comments. I may put parentheses around something the writer should omit. I may put a * next to some error. It's good to comment on both what you thought worked well, and what didn't work so well or was confusing. General Comment: Write a quick list of dominant impressions. What stands out? What examples or phrases are particularly vivid? What strikes you as most illuminating about the analysis? What do you like about the draft? Primarily, the essay is well drafted with good use of language and grammar. Additionally, the writer has used conjunctions and relevant phrases in making the essay appealing. One thing I like about the analysis is the in-depth details that the writer gives to each subtopic...

comment until I am done speaking to Diana." I will also ask students to raise their hands if they have any comment to make and avoid talking until I tell them to. When a student speaks while another is speaking, I will encourage them to listen and later on ask them to elaborate what the other one was saying just to keep them alert. I will reinforce classroom safety by ensuring that the students who consistently forget to organize their sitting spaces are punished and award those who are well-organized. For example, by bringing candy bars to the most organized student every week, I will be able to encourage others to use the classroom material properly (Maag, 2001). I will compliment any student who...

Comment on "Estimating the Responsibility of Psychological Science". Technical Comment, 351(1), 1-3. Retrieved February 5, 2018 Vedantam, S. (2015, August 28). Scientific Findings Often Fail To Be Replicated, Researchers Say. Retrieved February 5, 2018, from NPR Website:...

Comment I support the author’s argument that computer science students should learn professional ethics. In my view, professional ethics is a fundamental course that is vital for every discipline or career. Similar to professions like medicine and accounting that vests on ethics, computing profession must also uphold ethical codes and professional conduct during practice. It is true that professional ethics promotes safety and security of one's data. When a computer student learns professional ethics, the likelihood of engaging in any malicious and unethical act will be minimal. For instance, professional ethics would make the computer students respect the confidentiality of other users and avoid...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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Comment Doctors’ moral values should be considered valued failure to which their liberty will be infringed. Violation of one's values may result in other ethical concerns like lack of integrity in the profession (Savulescu, 2006). Therefore, Davis’s argument is very insightful and offers a concrete basis that allows doctors to refuse to offer some procedure as long as they offer ‘restitution’. However, this right should not interfere with the quality of medical care patients receive. Doctors as public servants have an obligation to service delivery, and therefore, these ‘restitution’s should be specified. This will ensure there is consistency in medical care and service delivery. For...

comment on the role of PMHNP in the current day and also includes a design role for a specific patient. As opposed to a biomedical model of medicine which had only one way of treating individuals with mental problems that are focusing on symptoms cures where the concentration was just on physical condition and by accessing various conditions the patient were administered with medicine. Psychiatric nurse practitioner gives a more comprehensive method to deal with mental problems. The PMHNP method gives roles like diagnosis, excellent therapies, and medication of persons with mental health problems. The model also gives chances like prevention of disease, family education, and consultation. This...