College Should Not Be Free Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

free when accepting new ideas, knowledge, perspectives, and experiences. As a skill, it is very efficient in managing everyday life bearing in mind people are different, and thus, their varying opinions. My success in being an open person developed from habits that I managed to cultivate along the way. For starters, I practice listening skills. Usually, I listen keenly to peoples’ suggestions before airing my opinion. I carefully observe current trends, news, and information, thus, enriching my knowledge. I also developed the culture of reading widely and participating in challenging situations. In light of this discussion, I recall an event where being positive to feedback contributed to my...

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not exploited all of them. The formatting style, illustration and use of visual aids, and documentation, are other aspect used for the assessment the quality of a website. The documentation refers to the systematically and purposefully referenced citation of any material that was used during the writing of the essay. It is paramount since it helps the reader of the information to identify and know the source of information and this may make it easy for the reader to do further studies if interested. It also serves an obligation of giving credit to where it deserves; that is the owner of the information. Therefore, it is important to enhance novelty or originality while writing the essay.In the case...

not before all sanctimonious ceremonies may with full and holy rite be ministere’d,” Act 5: Scene 1 Soliloquy is different from monologue since the character, in this case, speaks out his thoughts, in the presence of other characters. By using this device, Prospero conveys to the audience his achievements with the aid of magic and further that he will not need the magic any more. Antithesis is when words or phrases which oppose each other are put together. An example is given when Ferdinand talks about his father’s death, he says “Though the seas threaten, they are merciful” (Shakespeare n.p). The play uses a wide variety of language and literary styles. The use of dramatic techniques in...

freedom and thus proclaims, "A tradition that I probably will never let go of either, simply because like religion, culture is nailed into you so deep you can't escape it." (Marchetta 175) Marchetta puts an emphasis on the need for adolescents to take up responsibilities if they wish to solidify their search for identity. When Josephine fails to carry out her duty for the lower grades at the Walkathon, Sister Louise insists on the ideals of a potentially good leader. Josie understands her misgivings and later reminisces on these events with regret saying, “I knew deep down that I was wrong and I think that my emancipation began at that moment” (Marchetta 85). This segment continues to show how...

not be used to automatically judge them as being deficient when it comes to moral issues. Second quote from Carol Gilligan project: Quote: “Women tend to espouse an ethics of care that stresses relationships while men tend to espouse an ethics of justice that stresses rules and rights.” Interpretation and explanation: To me, this quote means the judgment of women majorly relies on the relationship connection that they have with an individual before passing judgment. They focus on attachment to make decisions which may appear irrational at times. It also means that men perceive judgment differently in the way that they pass judgment as they focus rigidly on universal rules and what they believe...

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freedom to make autonomous decisions and choices. Moral and Virtuous Life The final ethical consideration pertains to leading a moral and virtuous life. An action can be judged as right or wrong without examining the nature of the outcomes, results or consequences. More plainly, it is not the outcomes that substantiate an action as right or wrong, rather, it is the motivation and the principle through which the actions were done. Therefore based on the case study, it is imperative to weigh the motivation of reporting foreign students who are illegally in the country, to classify the action as right or wrong. Conclusion Personally, I believe the best course of action would be to report the students to...

free so as to realize a genuine happiness one needs. Further, one can create a genuine happiness by opting to love others. One should learn to live with other in love. The love should encompass the family, friends, and everyone a person meets. Meeting a strange person should be all about compassion and loving towards them. Accepting the way people are is a way of understanding them, which builds a close link with others (Martin, 2012, p. 44). Moral Value Ideas In the Thinking Activity, some moral values that promote human happiness can be identified. Indeed, one should show support for others to encourage human happiness. Helping others in their daily lives by supporting them in the pursuit of the...

free to communicate their problems with the nurses. Agency Letterhead References Osorio, I. (2014). Automated seizure detection using EKG. International journal of neural systems, 24(02),...

not fully committed to letting his son marry Felix, in fact, he loathed the idea. So, he hatched a plan of betraying Felix to the government. Before he could implement his plans, the actions of Felix were discovered, and they were thrown into prison. His father and sister, Agatha were imprisoned. This news enraged Felix, and he went back to Paris to help his family. Unfortunately, his family was thrown to exile from their native country. They ended up in a miserable cottage in Germany. He later discovered that Muhammadan was a traitor after he failed to honor the promise he had made of giving him his daughter’s hand in marriage and instead sent him some small amount of money for their...

Water Usage


should be understood that the less the water we use, the more stable will the hydrological cycle be and hence the fresher the water. With the current supply rate, more people would be connected to piped water if everyone was to cut the use by half. Secondly, the cost of treatment will be less due to lowered amount of sewage and pollutants. This means that less contaminant will reach the water sources. The money used in treating the sewages could be utilized in making the water accessible to all other areas including the rural. Further, the biodiversity would be conserved. Many animals and plants are affected by the acidic or rather poisonous water. Its increased acidic and saline level has made the...