Code Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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codes in the medical professions support the need for the health information of any patient to be kept confidential. One such code is the “American Health Information Management Association Code of Ethics” with its principle I (Bayer, Santelli, & Klitzman, 2015). The policy requires all health professionals to uphold, defend, and advocate for the patients’ privacy rights and the confidentiality doctrine while using or disclosing any medical information. The law recognizes confidentiality as the privileged communication between “two parties in a professional relationship” like a nurse or a physician and a patient (Darby, 2000). Patients expect their communication with these...

code of ethics that are in line with the goals and objectives as well as the values and the visions of the organizations that they serve. Examples of the ethical systems include Divine Command Theory, deontology, ethical relativism, virtue ethics, and utilitarianism (Carter, 2011, November). The ethical relativism claims that there is no principle that has a universal validity. It implies that most of the moral principles depend on the cultural standards. This ethical system cannot be used to answer the ethical dilemma presented in the case of the Sterling's shooting because police shooting is not a moral principle and is outlawed in all the societies. Deontology is one of the ethical systems that...

code by adding a gene or genes from another living organism. Among the great developments achieved through genetic engineering includes genetic modification of Bacteria to produce essential human proteins including human insulin and human growth hormone. Bacteria regenerates making it advantageous to use over other microorganisms because they produce a large quantity of these essential proteins. For the creation of useful medicine like insulin, it is important that one understands the steps taken in genetic engineering to achieve such a milestone in humanity. Another aspect of gene technology is DNA fingerprinting. The DNA in each and every person is unique to them. DNA fingerprinting involves using...

code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements,” the ethical traditions, the goals of the nursing profession and the covenant nurses have with the society. On the same note, the association acknowledges the distress that nurses face when they are requested to participate in assisted suicide. Nurses, discretely and jointly, have a commitment to offer inclusive and empathetic end-of-life upkeep which comprises of the promotion of coziness and the reprieve of agony (Louanne, 2011). On the same note, they are obligated to forego life-sustaining treatments to patients across the globe. In conclusion, the arguments on beneficence and non-maleficence on physician-assisted suicide depict different...

  • Words: 550
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Code Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 3 User Location Check Browser Support First it is checked through the global navigator object, navigator.geolocation, whether the Geolocation API is supported by the browser. If the API is not supported, a message can be displayed to indicate that to the user. Get User’s Location If the user’s browser supports Geolocation API, the navigator.geolocation object’s getCurrentPosition() function will execute and return the coordinates object. The function can be passed three parameters: showPosition (i.e. the callback function that would access the position details), showError (i.e. the callback function to reveal any errors) and optn (i.e. for setting...

  • Words: 275
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code fish was drastically reduced, and the fishing industries collapsed due to excessive overfishing. Another example is the exponential growth in the world population where the world has grown to up to seven billion people who need to share the limited resources that planet earth has to offer. Lastly are the ocean garbage gyres where due to no jurisdiction in the ocean and common sharing, the ocean is being polluted by dumping waste into the many oceans of the world ("Ten Real-Life Examples of the Tragedy of the Commons - Dummies"). What has brought us to view nature as merely a resource to satisfy our wants and needs? Culture and religion have brought humans to believe that the existing natural...

Code Act 328 of 1931. In this state, first-degree murder is the most severe conviction that carries the worst penalty allowed by Michigan legislature, mandatory life imprisonment without parole. The involved parties in a first-degree murder charge often face emotional devastation due to the heights of public abhorrence (Griffin, 1994). According to Statute MCL 750.316, there are three instances where one can be charged with first-degree murder. The first case encompasses murder committed by lying in wait, using poison or any other deliberate, wilful and premeditated killing. The next case focuses on crime perpetrated to commit arson, substance abuse, carjacking, criminal sex conduct. The second...

code, according to Romans, it was better to die honorably in a battle than cheat to win and live shamefully. Juno, goddess and protector, hates the Trojans and tried to stop Aeneas quest of establishing Rome (Virgil 950). Queen Dido was her favorite choice in ruling the world however she knew that Trojans were threat to her quest. She embarked on a revenge mission by establishing a physical conflict between the Trojans and Latins. Aeneas took his troop to fight King Latinus as he demanded part of Latins Kingdom. However, knowing his fate King Latinus offered her daughter Lavinia to Aeneas to end the war between them and the Trojans (Wilson & John 66). Juno, goddess and protector, sought an...

  • Words: 550
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code name NX that is set to be discharged in March 2017 (Reilly 1). Nintendo has maintained aa high profile for a long time but faced competition from Sony and Microsoft and should, therefore, act strategically while competitors adjust to the new trends in the market. Works cited Farhoomand, Ali. "Nintendo’s Disruptive Strategy: Implications for the Video Game Industry." University of Hong Kong's Asia Case Research Center. (2009): 1-24. Print. Reilly, Luke. "Nintendo NX Will Launch in March 2017 - IGN". IGN, 2016,...

  • Words: 275
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