Civilization Essay Samples and Topic Ideas



civilization. Consequently, the illusion of religion is that many adults long for fatherly protection and they end up creating God to serve the purposes. In childhood, the need for a father`s protection is always stronger. Therefore, religious attitudes assist adults in satisfying the feeling of puerile helplessness. In adults, the belief of God presence is based entirely on an attempt to satisfy the necessary protection from the external dangers that threaten them (Freud, 9). The infantile feeling establishes a link with religion that guarantees oneness with the Lord, feeling of protection, and it offers consolation for the destroyed ego. Hence, religion is new to reality and plainly infantile. Life...

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World Wars


civilization, and their new found system of governance (democracy). 3. With the colonization of African countries, there came the loss of power for the locals to control their country destiny, foreign religion was forced to them, and local resources were exploited for the mother nation other than the native country. These triggered the independence movement. 4. Apartheid was a racial policy in South Africa that was institutionalized in the whole country. It was based on rules and regulations that aimed to separate Africans from whites. 5. The allies won the war against the Germany side, due to the strategic Americans bombings, technological support, and trucks, combined American and Britain Air Force...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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civilization was the norm. The huge cult following is a testament to just how good the films and their directors were. Works Cited BIBLIOGRAPHY Blake, Micheal. Dances with Wolves. Washington DC: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1988. Print. Bordwell, David and K Thompson. Film Art: An Introduction. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009. Print. Jameson, A D. "What Mise-en-scène Is and Why It Matters." IndieWire (2014): n.p. Website. Lathrop, G and D O Sutton. Elements of Mi-en-scene. Chicago: Penguin Books, 2014. Print. Smallbone, Chris. Film Review: Dances With Wolves. 12 October 2008. Website. 10 December...

  • Words: 1650
  • Pages: 6
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civilization is considered the pacesetter for Egypt civilization that started 3000 B.C. The Egyptian civilization benefited much from the technology and trade influences emanating from Mesopotamia. Despite having a common preliminary point, the two civilization differ regarding artistic and cultural achievements. More is known about Egypt due to their monumental building than Mesopotamia despite the latter having a richer heritage (Chadwick, 59). Mesopotamia would not rival Egypt regarding artistic achievements. The availability of stone necessitated the need to produce sculptures and magnificent architectural designs in Egypt. The construction of pyramids characterizes ancient Egypt. They were...



civilization is not as long as the Stone Age period, but the writer makes a claim they might have been drowning their dead in pools of beer to so that they get hangovers in the afterlife. The cultural perspectives on hangovers are perhaps the most interesting part of the article, with certain regions christening hangover with some witty references. ‘Tomcat' a reference from the Germans and the Dutch is probably the wittiest compared to the others mentioned in the paragraphs. The remedies that occupy the latter part of the essay are laden with culturally developed maladies for the problem. Definitely, this interesting article is worth the time spent in reading it, as it offers humorous...

civilization every time around. Second, is the Portal of the year 2007, is a puzzle game developed by Valve Corporation, it involves the usage of portals to ensure the player is transported through space. The game has received some praises for its innovative narration, storytelling and mechanics. The game in the recent days has featured as part of the Modern Art Museum exhibit in the applied design. Third, we have The Walking Dead game which is an adventure game and its set up is based on Robert Kirkman’s world acclaimed to the comic book series. It has gotten praises all over for its story that is well crafted, the presence of player decisions that are meaningful and characters that you can...

civilization late. Enkidu fears and resents having to die, and he, therefore, hold on to life with ferocity. The gods deliver punishment to Enkidu in a slow and painful death for killing Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven. A temple prostitute by the name Shamhat tames Enkidu and seduces him to leave his natural state. She represents refinements of culture, food, music, alcohol, clothing, agriculture, and rituals. Love motivates Gilgamesh to change from a tyrant into a noble king and hero. This happens when Enkidu is able to pull out Gilgamesh from his self-centeredness.Utnapishtim is a name which means “He Who Saw Life.” Utnapishtim received gods favor to be immortal. His contempt for Gilgamesh’s...

civilization to these states. The defeat of Mexico led to the acquisition of a huge piece of land to the southwest. There was also significant extension towards the north. The acquisition of the new territories, however, sparked a heated debate regarding their status as either free labor states or slave states. The country was fractured along sectional and partisan lines as different leaders had different opinions regarding the decisions to take regarding these states. A conflict was inevitable, and the country had to take one direction regarding slavery. It had to be either an entirely free labor country or a total slave labor country as the two systems were incompatible. “They can never exist...

civilization and improved healthcare will change the way one thinks about life as well as their perceptions of the role of memory in cognitive development. Such concepts enable the individuals to exhibit a whole character that singles out the contemporary division in thinking relationships among individuals as well as the social organizations in our systems. In my opinion, the environmental influence on personal development posits a similar impact as to that of the technology within the society. Crucial issues relating to the cognitive abilities in the mind will only benefit the functioning of the mind if they have a positive impact on the individual. The social classes can attribute the differences...

civilization has caused all this (Crowley 289). The release of a large amount of carbon dioxide through human activities for example burning of fossil fuels and deforestation has greatly contributed to the adverse effects of global warming. Mining of coal and extracting oil from the earth crust for the purpose of use in transport, cooking and heating and manufacturing all leads to the emission of carbon into the atmosphere than it was it removed naturally from the earth. Deforestation for the purpose of agriculture leads to the transfer of carbon into the atmosphere, and the results are continuous adding up of the extra amount of carbon thus increasing its concentration. Global warming has also...