Chronic Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

chronic diseases, and it’s only through combining all the aspects of healthy living that they will maintain a well-being socially, cognitively, physically and emotionally. Conclusion There is a strong relationship between personal development and well-being. As seen from the interview and the self-assessment, the result of good development is a state of well-being. The decision to cut weight impacted the lady’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical domain and she was able to maintain the same routine years later. Similarly, the man can look back and attribute his current physical stature and health to the decision he made to develop himself in sports. The four domains interrelate; for...

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chronic or acute. Aetiologically, contact dermatitis is either of the allergic type or the irritant type. Occupational contact dermatitis is defined as that form of dermatitis that arises from work-related activities. This difference is the only distinction from nonoccupational contact dermatitis since the presentation is similar. Clinically, both forms are marked by skin redness, scaling, and itching. The significance of occupational contact dermatitis is in the fact that its prevention strategies can easily be tailored to the controlled work environment. A recent increase in incidence highlights the need to improve work conditions (Holness) A three-level prevention strategy for occupational...

  • Words: 275
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Chronic Kidney Disease- A systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” There has been a worrying problem created by the rise of “Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).” The disease is part of the many cardiovascular diseases (CVD) associated with increased cost of healthcare, premature mortality, cardiovascular morbidity and a case of decreasing the quality of life. For this reason, there have been concerns for the determination of the frequency of CKD from a global perspective through the use of variables of age, geographical locality, and gender. Achieving such an endeavor requires conducting observational studies and meta-analysis to estimate “the dominance of CKD disease in general populations.” The...

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chronic diseases: metabolic disorders. The rice and fish stew is a good meal because it is low in calories considering that the rice has been boiled and the stewed fish is a source of good fats. I mainly choose meat as my stew and rarely consume healthier alternatives such as legumes and vegetables because I do not like them. I am proud of my water intake because it aids in digestion and washing away of toxic substances in view of the high-calorie fries, bhajias, and red meat. Skipping meals is not good because I find myself overeating during the next meal. Now that I give some thought to my eating behavior, I believe that I need to change. In spite of my love for meat fillings, fries, and bhajias,...

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chronic mismanagement, and the general wastes. Differences were that the NYCAPS was designed to be like a website where individuals were supposed to make applications of taking civil service exams. The City Times systems were created to make automation on payrolls on timekeeping to reduce the burden of dependence on pen and paper (Kenneth & Jane, 40). The impact of the botched implementation of business led to several failed outcomes. It came with terms of the contract that were frequently changed, for instance, a consulting company was hired for the provision of quality assurance, and it had to be amended more than 11 times which led to an increase in value to $ 50 million as compared to the...

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease” or diabetes (Quinn, Weimar, Gray & Davies, 2016). Most of the medical examinations and treatments for chronic and acute illnesses and preventive medical care can be provided by the ambulatory care. Also the performing of minor surgeries and procedures, most cases of dental services, dermatology services, and many diagnostic procedures, for example, blood tests, the performing of X-rays, biopsy and endoscopy. Also in the event of an emergency, or any case of rehabilitation visits, ambulatory care will provide the necessary healthcare advice or treatment. In rare occasions, telephone consultations are also provided. This healthcare provider has been very...

chronic conditions." Quality and safety in health care 13.4 (2004): 299-305. Rifkin, Susan B., and Gill Walt. "Why health improves: defining the issues concerning ‘comprehensive primary health care’and ‘selective primary health care’." Social Science & Medicine 23.6 (1986):...

chronic street homelessness. DIANE Publishing, 2004. The 2015 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) To Congress. 1st ed., Te U.S. Department Of Housing And Urban Development: OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, 2015,...

chronic stress-response through the adrenal-pituitary-hypothalamus circuit resulting to the body feel as if it is in danger (Rodin & Sateia, 2009). The process triggers higher blood pressure and other related heart diseases such as inflammation. Stress comes about when there is a lack of concentration because of sleep disturbance during the day and overstraining to do daily tasks. The discomfort brought about by a change in the septum or even other breathing problems like asthma, causes a disturbance or change in breathing patterns that can lead to sleeping difficulty. Frequently, a wrongly deviated septum can cause a strong snoring such that the noise caused can wake up the victim. Patient...

chronic poverty (n.p). Residents from these areas are aware of their weak economic conditions and acknowledge the need for quick solutions. Additionally, the Chinese government is aware of the status and seeks to alleviate the problem by trying to bridge the currently massive gap between the wealthy and poor and urban and rural areas. Philips reveals an underway project Chinese government has that aim at relocating about two million Guizhou people from the remote and poverty-stricken place to nearby towns (n.p). While quoting Zhao Khezi, the area’s party secretary, Philips says that it is unlikely for Guizhou to rid of its poverty issues in the next half century even with government’s...

  • Words: 825
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