Christian Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Christian morality, so when a woman who decides to ignore the law and decides with her own autonomy ends up being criminalized. What ends up forcing women to a reproductive act through the power of the State and the Church (Butler, 2019). This indiscriminate use of power ends up forcing an unwanted pregnancy in a woman, where an individual was born in an environment without love or protection, which can never experience a propitious mother-son bond, which ends up generating irreversible damage in the person, which will end up reproducing in the rest of its interpersonal relationships, thus causing the reproduction of this damage at a social and cultural level. All this damage could be avoided if...

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Christianity, Hellenism with Cicero and Patristic. I will relate all this to the text and to conclude, I will make a critical reflection on his philosophy and his influence. In the fourth century, the Roman Empire enters decline and crisis. With the edict of Milan in 313 Christianity begins to gain importance since it ceases to be convicted. The appearance of Hellenism makes a practical relationship between philosophy and Christianity whose central theme is God. Inside it arose stoicism, epicureanism, skepticism and after Plato's philosophy, neoplatonism with Plotinus (203-262) was born. Makes an interpretation of Platonic philosophy preserving the figure of an eternal being that creates the world...

Christian Aid" as a whole we could save the lives of thousands of children. It would be relatively simple, I would put a piggy bank in each class where any member of this university could donate how much I wanted. It is a project that cannot be imposed would be a project that would be based mainly on the goodness and moral responsibility that each one feels towards this issue and the intensity with which each individual believes to be called to help in this fight. The beautiful thing about this project would be that with each one we could do very little we could change a lot since the effort of each one would be added exponentially. These organizations help strengthen the health sector,...

Christians could only reach their salvation through buying it. This situation, where the Church took advantage of its authority and faith of believers gave rise to the Protestant reform, a movement that managed to expand throughout Europe. The Protestant reform was a religious and political movement that fought to oppose the authority that the Pope and the Church had managed to acquire during the previous centuries. This movement was driven by intellectuals, religious and even political;However, everyone was inspired by Martin Luther's ideas. Luther's main objective was to return to the "pure essence" of the Church, opposing the way in which monks and bishops made use of the authority...

Christian values that have been instilled from my childvalues that follow me to follow God as my guide.  The next pillar is based on interpersonal relationships, how I am going to relate in every sphere of my life, in my family, at work, with my friends and even with the people I do not know, but at some point they crossOn my way, the success of this pillar will give me it to be firm in my first pillar, because having in my training ethical values will result in being a person who knows how to relate.  The third pillar is the handling of my talents, knowing. This will forge in me an intellectually trained man to develop in the workplace, sports and creative, music or art. These three pillars at...

Christianity made is based on the fact that God became a man through Him Son of Him Jesus Christ and assumes the sacrifice for the forgiveness of the sins of men, this being the historical and determining moment of Christianity. Another conception that Christianity has is that man is made in the image and likeness of God, the soul is immortal and the resurrection or eternal life is expected. While the Greeks believe in reincarnation, for them there is a cyclical process, a man after dying is reborn again with the same body and the same life they had. The Prometheus version, which tells us that man was molded from clay, in the image and likeness of the gods and was provided with wisdom, survival, arts...

Christians joined with each other and Christ. How many believe in their divinity, their teachings continue, they observe their precepts, live their life and love each other. The elements of this community and social living, with supernatural perspectives, constitute the visible face of a perennial struggle. Catholic feeling identifies Ecclesia spirits and ecclesia iuris. In Christ the two natures, divine and human, are perfect and harmonically linked, and, in the Church, the human tune in with the divine.The Church, as a continuator in the history of the humanity of the person and the saving mission of Christ, is called to be: a "sign" clear and unequivocal of that same salvation, as well...