Chinese Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Chinese in the Latin American has grown rapidly. As a result, China has developed cultural, military, trade, and financial relations in both Latin America as well as the Caribbean countries. Currently, China is the leading trade partner of several Latin countries such as Chile, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, and Argentina (Hearn, 2015). Below are some of the approaches that China has used to foster relations with the region. One of the approaches that are behind the recent good relations between China and the Latin American countries is the fact that China has offered more than economic ties between the two regions. China has proved to be a real friend by supporting projects across the Latin American...

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World Wars


Chinese communist party security personnel responded by storming the square killing hundreds of the protestant and arresting thousands more. PART2. After the 1st world war, the Allied forces had defeated the central power. The Allied-led by France had several negotiations that culminated in the signing of Treaty of Versailles at Paris which was supposed to put up measures that would ensure the world remained at peace. A new league of the nation was created which exempted German from joining until 1926.German boundaries were also ratified, all German colonies were stripped away, and other financial obligations were imposed on Germany. The war had seen Europe and the Middle East boundaries redrawn as...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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Chinese citizen who witnessed the gender inequality rooted in my culture that women have unequal access to education, health care, agricultural production, etc., I found it is important to invest and research in nutrition, education, and gender. Therefore, I primarily worked on the projects related to the Integrating Gender and Nutrition in Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES) program. I believe the development and investment in gender parity and nutritional education have enormous benefits on disadvantaged and marginalized groups. Furthermore, I took the initiatives to design a nutrition and balanced diet curriculum for Bangladesh students; I co-wrote the Landscape Analysis for the extension...

Chinese stock market which has provided 70% returns on stock investments. There are financial times in which stock prices fall hence resulting in large fiscal losses to investors and also to the respective firms. Movements in the international stock markets can have an extensive economic impact on the global economy. A collapse in the stock price will reduce U.S economic wealth since the stock market reveals how well a company performs. It also makes it easier for to get accessed to a performing company (Ṣabrī, 2007). A fall in stock price will discourage investors from injecting capital into the U.S companies hence companies won’t be having money to pay pensions plans and also enough money to...

Chinese food, and McDonald’s chicken He had hoped to make the other cats jealous He was sure they had seen the table set, They were too snoopy not to have And when the children sat at the table, He made efforts to get their attention Purring like his life depended on it because it did, he would not die hungry He hoped it would work its magic; his purr was always a charm But not today; The children acted like they were deaf to his constant purrs and blind to his extensive “puppy” eyes They seemed totally oblivious to his presence Not even Peter, his friend, one who would pour milk in his bowl every morning All they paid their attention to was their filled plates And he had considered sitting in...

Chinese Internal Migration From the moment China first embarked on significant economic developments roughly three decades past, the country has experienced unparalleled social transformations. Rapid urbanization and economic reforms have considerably resulted to large-scale internal migration, a behavior usually including movement from rural regions to towns and cities. People engaging in these relocations tend to dos so in search for employment or better work opportunities typically available only in urban areas. Official records place Chinese migration workers at about 36 percent of the entire workforce in China. Internal migration tends to have a significant impact on the migrating citizens as...

  • Words: 825
  • Pages: 3
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Chinese government. Moreover, the Chinese Civil War led to a huge division in China in what is known as the two Chinas (Mainland China and Taiwan). Forces that were battling in China deteriorated the situation because they never believed in dialogue which could have brought the war to the end. This paper will discuss how the wrangles between the two groups resulted in a massacre, mass eviction, and most importantly the broad division in China; that was united before the war. This division and hostility still exist today between the two Chinas. As a country, China faced myriad challenges that were mainly triggered by political unrest in the 20th century. The Chinese Civil War took long to end after...

Chinese government has continually fixed their exchange rates, to ensure their goods are cheaper than other nations. Capitalist countries such as USA and Canada have implemented minimum wages, to ensure their products are also more competitive. Furthermore, the two continuously use force to root out their enemies. The Vietnam War and Stalin’s regime that killed millions during the First World War are classic examples of capitalist and communist massacres across the globe. The two ideologies have similar uses for their land. Capitalist government demarcates land into the public and private property. However, the government may seek to annex private property for public use. Communists require...

Chinese fiction as it explores the experiences and the thoughts of a single individual. Its importance in the Chinese fictional history is perceived in its fundamentally new focus on the individual and intensely subjective psyche of an individual character. Clearly, the story focuses on the internal conflicts of the character and how he feels about the external environment including the government. Essentially, the main theme in this story is nationalism since it focuses more on how the character feels about the society by highlighting the incompetence of the government. In this regard, this paper shall analyze the character of the protagonist and how his character influences the whole story as well...

Chinese president and prime minister who are both engineers and have made China a globally recognized economy. Having pushed China to being the second superpower in the world ahead of Britain and other European nations, the engineer president in China has proved that the engineering profession is key to success of the United States contrary to the popular belief that lawyers and academicians are best suited to handle politics. Engineers and Politics Introduction With the current trend in the world, it is evident that Engineers are the new world leaders who probably will take over the world shortly. China has taken the early lead by ensuring that most of its elected leader's engineers. This has...