Chicago Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010), where the court said that owning a gun is a right protected in the constitution. To avoid corruption, citizens should oppose gun control efforts. As shown, gun control efforts would lead to more harm than good. If supported by the citizens, the efforts would mess with many people’s lifestyles leading to an increase in crime, and they would also lead to increase of corruption cases in the United States. It is imperative that people of goodwill oppose the gun control efforts because guns do not kill people, people do. References Cooke, C. (2014, October 25). Do black people have equal gun rights? The New York Times. Retrieved from...

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Chicago Press, 2013 This article indicates an existing correlation between traffic accidents and alcohol drinking and disapproves and relationship between marijuana and accidents. Additionally, the report looks at the pros of medical marijuana and dispels the current rumors of significant impairment on small user dosage. The article will be helpful in showing how marijuana use lowers accident fatalities. Yancy, A. J. (Pediatrics ). Legalization of Marijuana: Potential impact on youth. Journal of the American Academy of, 113-632. This article provides historical perspectives and comparisons of the various approaches to the legal status of marijuana to aid in forming favorable public policy. The...

Chicago with major lines like Great Northern Railway, Northern Pacific Railway, and Milwaukee Road operates through the state. The invention and the following construction of railways was a significant innovation during the era in which it significantly supported and made trade more efficient (Petersen & Olson, 2003). It is, therefore, arguable that railway construction was a significant operation in the mid and late 19th century that topped the majority of government’s agendas not only in Minnesota but also in other states in the United States. This paper provides a historical analytical review on a 1932 journal “Early Minnesota Railroads and the Quest for Settlers” that allows one to...

Chicagoans such as Schatz have combined efforts to combat gang violence (Schatz, 2014). These people work in collaboration with outreach workers, community, and government. The YouTube video “Don’t Shoot, I MUST Grow Up – Treating the Violence Epidemic” a team focused on investigating gang violence in Chicago due to its quick up rise in the area. The aggressive members engaged mostly youths in open discussions in an approach to mitigate gang violence in the state (Columbialinks123, 2012). UCLA Daily Bruin. (2013, March 10). Gang-related tattoo removal at Homeboy Industries . Retrieved from Schatz, L. (2014, April 10). Cure Violence, 2014 ....

Chicago: Oxford publishers. Joyce Newman Giger, R. D. (2002). Transcultural Assesment model. New York: Sage Publishers. Nichols, W. C. (2000). Handbook of Family Development and Intervention. Los Angeles: ISBN...

Chicago, through the Democrats, through their platforms of 1856 did not mention the need for the development of that railroad to open up the developments in the regions, including Chicago. The railroad was to foster economic development from the southern states further north with the aim of providing further opportunities for the economic prosperity of the states that it was to cover. Inevitability of Civil War The conflict leading to civil war was inevitable, as both parties took hardlines in the issues of slave ownership and the advancement of slavery into Kansas and Nebraska. The Democratic Party vehemently supported the need to maintain slave ownership while the Republicans opposed the...

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Chicago, to Los Angeles. The public relation also failed further when the members of the executive who had left could not hide their frustrations. The failures were registered across the executive members. The lack of public response from the new ownership about the state of the firm destroyed the public relation of the enterprise. This could be prevented the management amicably solved the rising discontent. The silence propagated the turnover further. Lastly, they failed to integrate with the locals. The locals offered both supplies and acted as a customer base. However, the firm’s new management did not integrate with them. Once they were introduced, the profits soared again. The drivers of the...

Chicago, Washington, and New York airports (Wu 1). In the credit card industry, new companies were also not spared. Maser Card and Visa spent much of their time preventing American Express from joining through the creation of parallel policies and other underhand methods. The Justice Department tried to control the prevalent oligopoly in the US back in the twentieth century by going after the oligopolistic cartels leading to positive milestones in the fight against the practice. Cartels in the tobacco industry and oil such as Standard Oil were eliminated in the process. The underlying conviction at the time was that any firms which maintained same prices though not in agreement on the same should...

Chicago: IPGenix LLC, 2013. Print. Watson, James. Golden Arches East: McDonald's in East Asia. New York: Stanford University Press, 2006. Print....

Chicago Boys and Pinochet, is responsible for Chile’s economic success. Rather, the question should be whether or not there was any success at all. It concedes that despite the application of shock therapy to buffer the country against economic panic and disorientation, there was a period when the country approached an economic crisis and the economy crashed. This occurred when financial houses incurred enormous debt against the nation’s assets. This debacle brought the shock therapy into question with the government forced to reexamine its economic policies. The country’s saving grace was its cautious application of the shock therapy and decision to refrain from nationalizing all government...