Challenges Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

challenges associated with many individuals in a nuclear family. Family planning will ensure that the nation reduces its dependence on donor nations and international institutions that lend money since households will be in positions to acquire shelter, food, and medicine (Banerjee & Duflo, 2011). Therefore, a reduced burden on the economy will promote economic growth. Somalia should put an effort in availing polio and measles vaccines to its citizens. UNICEF has it that almost two hundred cases of polio were reported in the year 2013. The government should increase the access of vaccines that curb the spread diseases that can be prevented by the use of immunizations ("Improving the Health of...

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challenges that George faces with her lover. He indicated that it was challenging to be faithful to one person when many other people are coming into lives of each other. George through the commitment and fear of loneliness that could result from the breakup maintain the close ties with his lover. Therefore, he successfully attain the virtue of love. George pointed out that the previous stage, while they were in adolescent, helped him to reason in a mature way thus being able to incorporate morality and ethics. The two component according to George were the most motivating and significant in facing the young adult stage. In precise, the argument of personality development is very applicable and...

challenges encountered in adulthood, specifically in embracing an individual commitment towards social action. First Excerpt D. Andera in explaining the contribution of his childhood experiences on his views towards racism provides an excerpt regarding encounters during his uncle’s family visits. Through narrating the great admiration, he had for the uncle given his time in the Japanese war, the author similarly draws attention to the tone and demeanor the uncle took while describing African Americans in disparagingly sub -human terminologies. The excerpt is profound given that it particularly contributed to the shaping of his formative racist ideas towards others given the influence of the family...

Huck Finn


challenges and finds solutions for them. Some solutions are good while others are not. Making mistakes and learning through experience and in the hard ways improves Huck. Huck understands the world and how the society operates, abandons racism and thus reforming and improving as a person. Works Cited Twain, Mark, and Emory Elliott. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Oxford...

challenges the LGBTQS community undergoes as they interact with others in the society, in most cases in which they are despised and unfairly treated. From the course, I also learned how the internet is used to intimidate people of different sexualities for sexual, financial or other benefits. For instance, Facebook, a popular social media platform, is used to harass lesbians and gays due to their perception in the society. Also, the internet, Facebook, for instance, is used to enhance lesbianism and sexuality in that people may fake their identity so as to acquire sexual partners. I also learned that the internet is a powerful tool in campaigning for the choice of sexuality in various Facebook pages...

challenges without embracing the victim mentality. Survivors who embrace positivity have a great opportunity of teaching the rest of the world the best coping mechanism thus reducing the number of casualties in the case of a future danger. Disasters are costly and disruptive; therefore, there is a need to have better systems of dealing with these issues as they arise. Understanding these factors of survival and disaster preparedness will go a long way in helping policy makers to come up with effective disaster management mechanism, and ultimately protecting the economic, social, and political stability of a society. Works Cited Bonabeau, Eric, and W. David Stephenson. “Expecting the...

Challenges. American Journal Of Psychiatry, 172(5), 415-422. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. (2013) (1st ed.). Washington, D.C. Stinson, F., Dawson, D., Golstein, R., Chou, P., Huang, B., & Smith, S. et al. (2008). Prevalence, Correlates, Disability, and Comorbidity of DSM-IV Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The Journal Of Clinical Psychiatry, 69(7), 1033-1045. TYRER, P., MULDER, R., CRAWFORD, M., NEWTON-HOWES, G., SIMONSEN, E., & NDETEI, D. et al. (2010). Personality disorder: a new global perspective. World Psychiatry, 9(1), 56-60....

  • Words: 1375
  • Pages: 5
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challenges? This life can never be just a walk in the park. It is surrounded by seen and unseen battles. Every stage of life has got a range of challenges. These challenges could be economic challenges, physical challenges, social challenges, and health difficulties; just to mention a few. The package of life’s difficulties is unpredictable. Every day of life is like a riddle that needs unraveling. To overcome the challenges in life, you have to have the right attitude and choose the path that is less traveled. Life is a series of challenges accompanied by lessons from past experiences. Nevertheless, you must choose to triumph over the daily life’s obstacles lest you live a miserable life....

challenges that hinder women development. Rachel Platten voices the frustrations of women arising lack of equality. She seems infuriated from the beginning to the end of the literature by using descriptive phrases to portray that women should take the initiative to advance their position without worrying about the perceptions of the public. In this regards, she makes a claim that other people’s belief or lack of the same does not worry her. This notion depicts a decided person that does not need the approval of other people or society to do a task. Perhaps, she was infuriated by the limited opportunities accorded to the women in the mainstream society. Therefore, she aimed to illuminate the...