Cellular Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

cellular phone, and water fountain. This microbial sampling seeks to establish the relationship between culture counts on surfaces. The microbial count exercise aims to evaluate fungi and bacteria to provide an index of contamination. Hypothesis Highly frequented areas like washrooms and water fountains are vulnerable to microbial contamination. People visit washrooms with door handles and use their phones afterward. Bacteria and fungi have different morphology, color and also exist under different conditions. Methodology Surfaces were sampled using contact Petri dishes. Microorganisms were transferred directly to the plates through direct contact under standardized conditions. Counting of...

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cellular infectious agents have been known to cause the most contagious infections that pose a great challenge in their dissemination and containment. Viruses, prions, and viroids utilize their host’s cellular composition to survive and spread pathogenic diseases. Although they fall under the same class of acellular infectious agents with viruses, prions differ in their cellular composition in that they lack nucleic acid; that is, they have no RNA or DNA. This essay assesses the epidemiology of prions which are known to cause neurodegenerative diseases in mammals. In particular, I will assess the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) disease in cattle and variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD)....

cellular manufacturing whereby machines and workstations are arranged depending on a collection of distinct processes positioned in proximity to manufacture a selection of like products. Cellular manufacturing reduces both cycle period and inventory thus shortening market response time. Continuous flow essentially means moving from one value-added process to the next without any holdups. Mistake proofing will be introduced to reduce the number of mistakes made by using preventative automatic responsiveness in the system (Modi & Thakkar, 2014). Another appropriate strategy is a continuous flow that reduces batch size consequently doing away with system constraints. Additionally, the customer...

Cellular adaptation refers to the adjustments in body organs in response to environmental changes. The modifications are a common sign of growth, but may also indicate a pathological incidence. In Maria’s case, the enlarged heart is an indication of a pathological problem rather than a healthy one. Various kinds of adaptations involve reduction and increase in the size of the body cells or the increase in their number through mitosis. Hypertrophy is the cellular adaptation that includes the increase in cell size. The adjustment results typically from the formation of more protein in the cells than fluid. Cardiac hypertrophy refers to the expansion of the heart muscle as is the case in athletes, or...

cellular level (Hodin, 2011). Besides, there is also the introduction of “smart” medications that involve wireless machinery and broadband facilitated l implements that are consumed to analyze internal reports to prescriptions. Examples of Robotics The use of robots in the health sector is increasing as suggest by the ‘Healthcare Robotics 2015-2020’. Largely, the clinical service sector incorporates three main types of robots namely direct care robots, home-based healthcare robots and subsidiary care robots. The direct/primary patient care robots include operating automatons used integrated to provide specialized clinical procedure, prosthetics used for replacing limbs and exoskeletons used...

cellular activities such as metabolism and respiration. Glucose levels remain at a high level in the blood stream as a result of the inadequate intake of glucose leading to an abnormal level of sugar in the bloodstream (Atkinson, Eisenbarth & Michels, 2014). An abnormal level of sugar in the bloodstream can be associated with the constant urge to consume liquids, especially water for persons who have type 1 diabetes. A high blood sugar level also pushes victims to frequently urinate, which is a natural mechanism to level the blood sugar level (Levy, 2011). Graves’ disease leads to the production of excess thyroid hormone by the thyroid glands. The process is known as hyperthyroidism (Bartalena,...

cellular phone market where it is highly prevalent with companies like Sprint, AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile controlling around 90% of the market. Many consumers fail o notice the existence of oligopoly as they are usually misled by product labeling. They fail to see that most of the products they regularly use come from just a few giants. For example in the toothpaste manufacturing, Colgate-Palmolive, and Procter & Gamble control over eighty percent of the toothpaste market (Wu 1). The oligopolistic problem has become highly prevalent because the current approach focuses mainly on monopoly as it is seen as the greater evil hence the failure to address the practices by cartels in various...

Cell Biology


Cellular Respiration which occurs in three stages of metabolism, namely glycolysis, citric acid cycle and electron transport. Glycolysis involves splitting glucose into two molecules. Enzymes break glucose into two molecules of pyruvate which is also called pyruvic acid. During this breaking down, two molecules of ATP are also produced. The final product of pyruvate can be used in anaerobic respiration if oxygen is absent or in aerobic respiration if it is present. Citric acid cycle finishes breakdown of carbon dioxide resulting in little volumes of ATP in addition to giving out of electrons. It achieves this by getting acetyl CoA, which is gotten from glucose, arrests its bond energy in the nature...

cellular-facilitated responses (62). According to the authors, this reduction or deterioration in function of T-cells may explain the increased susceptibility to diseases in the elderly. Malaguarnera, Cristaldi, and Lipari contend that this decline in the number of T-cells may be related to the gradual shrinking of the thymus resulting from the aging process (62). In addition, the authors contend that a change in T-cell phenotype may aid in explaining their reduced functioning. B Lymphocytes. Malaguarnera, Cristaldi and Lipari highlight the minimal research conducted on B-lymphocytes and their role in immunosenescence (63). The authors argue that in contrast to studies carried out on the effects of...

cellular structures as well as facilitating other physiological functions. Digestion of food is made efficient by molecules known as enzymes that speed up rates of biochemical reactions so as to provide efficiency in making available of the said nutrients. These enzymes operate efficiently under optimum conditions in which the intracellular environments provide such as the pH and the temperature of the environment in which the cells are found, among others. When these conditions are inhibited, or otherwise interfered with, several aspects of these enzymes are altered in ways that make the said enzymes non-functional. An experiment is carried out in a laboratory simulating the human cell to understand...

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