Cell Phones Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

cell phones while driving, providing use of safety belts and managing speed limits, setting up road signs, flashing yellow lights, and red light cameras. 7. www.txdot.gov/driver/laws.html8. Differences in speed limits for Texas, Florida, and Maryland: the maximum Highway speed under Texas law is 85mph, Florida is 70mph, and Maryland is 65mph. Similarities in reckless driving regulations: there is no reckless driving threshold in the states of Texas, Florida, and Maryland with a misdemeanor penalty in case of reckless driving. 9. The issue of driving safety falls under the vehicles and traffic laws of the state of Texas. This means the state governments have to be entirely involved in traffic...

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cell phones replacing the PCs. Pricing Factors I also learned that pricing is essential for product success. When a company overcharges for a particular product, it might lose customers. Similarly, when a product costs less than its perceived value, it could lose customers because the customers might associate it with low quality and possibly lose its prestige. However, a business can use pricing regulation as a marketing strategy to attract more customers. For example, reducing prices could attract more customers. Lowering costs is more practical for high-cost products. Conclusion Therefore, from the experience that I have in managing a business, I'd improve in setting up attainable strategic...

cell phones. Information systems have been developed to make the information management easier, faster and efficient. Consequently, the performance of enterprises is greatly improved. However, there are challenges that face ICT management. In any organization, most of the data held are often confidential. Therefore, the information needs to be secured by all means possible. There are challenges in the management of data to this expectation like cybercrimes. In the modern society, cybercrimes are critical and persist to be for the anticipatable future. The cybercrimes involve hacking of information systems or gaining unauthorized access to systems and steal information or manipulate data. If data is...

Cell Phones and the Academic Performance The major findings of the study conducted by Andrew Lepp, Jacob E. Barkley, and Aryn C. Karpinski showed clarity and firm stand that overuse of mobile phones had an adverse effect on students and their academic performance. As the advent of technologies created a powerful impact on people in all walks of life, its effect has spread over the course of actions and manners of life among people such as parents, students, and teachers. Sometimes, such influence of cell phones on students has bought the attention of parents and teachers who should work together to bring the light of the problems regarding academic setting. The presence of mobile or cell phones,...

Cell phones have become a major component of people’s daily lives all over the world. People use cell phones almost everywhere; in their bedrooms, sitting rooms, toilet, while walking and traveling and controversially while driving. The primary reason for mobile phones’ immense popularity is that they have entirely revolutionized communication. Unlike before their invention, it is now possible to reach your desired person within seconds and communicate to them whatever that you have in store for them as well as forward valuable information. The use of cell phone during driving has however led to a big debate with many arguing that it should altogether be banned. Proponents of this suggestion have...

cell phones and other benefits to inmates. Investigations reveal that some high officials are involved in implications of ‘pay to play’ schemes with some private prisons. There have been several cases of correctional corruption cases in the recent past in prisons. For instance, there was an FBI operational ghost guard in Georgia (Inderbitzin, n.p). It was initiated in the year 2014 after a cell-phone that had been smuggled made it easy for a prisoner serving life sentence to run a murder and kidnapping scheme easily. Moreover, after investigations, it was revealed that the guards were paid $ 550 to around $1050 per every smuggled phone. In Los Angeles County, an FBI investigation conducted...

cell phones when operating a moving motor vehicle ("New Hampshire Cell Phone & Texting Driving Rules" n.pg). Persons caught texting while driving is subject to a fine of $100 if it is the first offense up to a fine of $500 for subsequent offenses ("New Hampshire Cell Phone & Texting Driving Rules" n.pg). The law also restricts all teens from using handheld cell phones while operating a moving motor vehicle. A ban exists restricting all drivers from using handheld cell phones whereby offenders are subjected to a fine up to $500 ("New Hampshire Cell Phone & Texting Driving Rules" n.pg). A ban exists restricting all drivers from texting while driving where the fine for the violation of this...

cell phones with a high regard. Passing time, chatting with friends and family members is a great experience. Yes, it gives that feel you are part of a wider community.As always, there are a lot of stories to talk about and many games to play on cell phones. My personal exposures began with playing games on the computer at a tender age. As I can recall, I did not derive much entertainment from the machine in the initial stages. I saw them as something mysterious but always receive encouragement from my parents to try something on them. After some time, I developed an interest in the games and the satisfaction that they accorded me. Then, I did not know that it was a strategy for my parents to keep...

cell phones? And how many of those who have mobile phones do use them while driving? The answer to these questions is very obvious, in fact, you only need to take a walk to the nearest street to get the answers. This habit is very dangerous, and the only recommendation that one can ever give is that using mobile phones while driving should stop. Ever since cell phones came into existence in the 1980s, the use has spread across the world to an extent that even teenagers use such gadgets, and it is not a unique incidence to come across a teenager using a cell phone as he trains on how to drive (Strasburger, Hogan and Mulligan 358). Research has revealed that despite the many advantages that have come...