Cause And Effect Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Cause and Effect A. isolation -E-learning reduces one's chances of connecting with other classmates. -However, it is true that not every long distance learner feels isolated B. Lack of student-teacher communication -Unlike the regular system, online limits face to face communication between students and teachers. -Online education is one’s own choice, and if there is a need for communication between the student and the teacher, then, it is the responsibility of the student to make it work. 5. Conclusion A. The debate on whether online education is better than offline (or regular) education is an already decided one. B. Online education is better because it is more flexible and offers...

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cause and effect (Leedy & Ormrod, 2005). Participants from the two facilities that are. Summerhill and Winterdale may be different in some ways hence amounting to confounding variables. To draw reliable conclusion n minimize sample bias, the researcher needs to control the confounding variables so that they may not be considered as part of the explanation for the results observed (Leedy & Ormrod, 2005). Among the control methods include keeping some things constant and use of one or more pretests to assess equivalence before the treatment. While requiring specific characteristics for a research sample may reduce confounding variables, it, however, may lower external validity (Leedy &...

Effect of School Shooting in the USA According to news reports, at least 17 people met their death at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School following the outrageous shootings by a 19-year-old boy, Nikolas Cruz, expelled without specifying the disciplinary claims (Christensen). The incident has caused uprising debates and pointing fingers at anything that could sound like the cause of the steeply rising mass killings in the USA. According to most politicians and citizen who are quick to blame, tie all the mass killings to people with a mental crisis without realizing the fact that countries such as India and Europe at large share the same figures of mentally unstable people but have very low incidents...

cause and effect relationship. The effectiveness with which a researcher conducts the study methodologies determines the validity of the research. Further, a study has to attain the conclusion, internal, external and construct validity for it to be reliable. Failure of attaining one of the four validity types shows lack of validity and reliability in the study., A study therefore is said to be reliable if its measures are repeatable (Trochim, 2006). The study’s measures generate the same results each time they are conducted by a different person. Ways to improve the reliability and validity in a quantitative and qualitative study Under the qualitative study, the researcher improves the...

cause and effect ……………………………………………………………….……….6 Treatments………………………………………………………………………………6-7 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….7 Reference list…………………………………………………………………………….8 Breast cancer Breasts like other parts of the body are made of cells that grow and divide to produce more similar cells.1 At times the growth and diving do not follow the normal path which results to the production of more abnormal cells in an uncontrollable manner. The extra cells produced...

cause and effect paper finds easy to make use of this source as it evaluates the potential causes of the payments as well as the possible outcome of the colleges and students. In summary, “NCAA Schools Can Absolutely Afford To Pay College Athletes, Economists Say” by Maxwell Strachan is an article from The Huffington Post that takes into the validity of claims about the compensation of college athletes by NCAA. The site’s credibility is appreciated due to the professionalism of its author, making good use of the sources, and the proficiency with which the negative and positive ends of the action. Furthermore, the dependability of the information and the purpose of the site also add value to...

Cause and effect paper on premarital cohabitation. Based on figures obtained from the United States Census, close to 50 percent of all marriages in the U.S. result in a divorce (Gauthier 1). Accordingly, with such a high figure of the divorce rates, it is understandable why many individuals have a lot of concern and skepticism about getting married. For this reason, some couples prefer entering into what some might term as a ‘trial marriage’ before engaging in the real commitment. In the modern 21st century, cohabitation is gradually becoming a normal scene in the courtship process, a ‘smooth' transition from the dating phase to the marriage phase. Based on conventional logic, one might be...

cause and effect of their learning, leading to misinformation. Conclusion In conclusion, intellectual disability is a serious condition that interferes with the infants’ ability to live a normal life like their peers. The causes of intellectual disability have been broadly categorized as genetic causes, problems during pregnancy, and problems during birth, problems after birth, and poverty and cultural deprivation. Treatment for intellectual disability involves developing the child’s potential to the fullest to enable him match with his peers. Therefore, special education is recommended for children with intellectual disability. References Goddard, L., Davidson, P. M., Daly, J., &...

cause and effect relationship to determine if the use of restraints in the intensive care units can be reduced without increasing harm on the patients. The use of quasi-experimental design and the tools of data collection help the researchers to achieve the intended results and investigate the problem in a more effective way. The focus of the research is on a single subject and all the variables used in the study are aimed at achieving this single focused information. Moreover, the researchers have been able to use descriptive analysis to determine the perception of nurses on the use of tools to verify the appropriateness of restraints in the ICU. Purpose of Study The purpose of the study was to...