Cash Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

cash when you don’t have the necessary money to buy a particular item that you urgently need or pay for vital services in case of emergencies. You don’t need to have money in your card to purchase. As the credit card provider usually issues you a kind of soft loan that you later refund. Credit cards allow online purchase and sales. Online transactions are liked by many due to the convenience they offer. You can buy almost anything you require at the comfort of your home or while traveling. Credit cards help you to purchase any product that you intend to buy over the internet, something that cash is no capable of doing. The major disadvantage of credit cards is that they attract high-interest...

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cash benefits (Lindgreen, 2010). Through CSR business can reap many other advantages such as innovation, brand differentiation, and good employee relationships. Lastly, CSR assists in the reduction of increased taxation and regulation by the local government. There are many companies all over the world practicing corporate social responsibility. Unilever which is a multinational company is a good example. The company is well known in the food and beverage sector. The company has CSR imitative where it emphasizes the use products that reduce the problem of deforestation CITATION STa14 l 2057 (S. Tamer Cavusgil, 2014). The company urges the use of energy effective computers in its worldwide...

HSS215 IP1


cash payment with credit cards or cash systems. There are also various types of clientele. There are those whose bills are catered by institutions to others whose bill is paid by spouses or other third parties. Manual harmonization of such bulk information is challenging. This necessitated the use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) to ensure sustained efficiency. EHR systems in the billing department are for calculating the cost of the services offered as well as connecting the payer and the health records. If the patient has an insurance premium, the billing office will dispatch the patients’ records to the insurer and collect payments. ("Electronic Health Records - Centers for Medicare &...

3M Company


cash flow outside firm. There is the utilization of peer-reviewed articles on 3M Company in a bid to get much insight into the financial stands. In an attempt to understand the position of the 3M Company in matters of finance, it is essential to consider key aspects of the cash flow. In the last quarter, there has been an operating income margin of 24.7 %. This figure presents a 0.4 percentage up the previous year. It is essential to note that the margins get the contribution from each of the different business groups in the 3M company, with each posting not less than 22% margin. These margins emanate from the increasing cash flow. There has been a cash flow increase of 19%. When there is an...

cash out instructions. The cash out the check was processed in two minutes, and then I was thanked for patronizing their facility, asked to consider visiting the establishment the next time, and I was ushered out of the restaurant. The whole dining experience took 90 minutes after which I took a cab back to my residence. Journal Entry 2: Cooking experience in making chili fries On 12th September 2016, I decided to make some chili fries in my kitchen. Before the cooking experience, I was not aware that I had a multitasking shortcoming within the kitchen. I began cooking by checking to ensure that I had all the required ingredients. Next, I added some canola oil in a steel pot, enough for...

cash flows leading to low reserves. They thus turn to the Federal Reserve for a loan so as to increase their reserve and cash flow. To ensure that commercial banks can carry on their business the FED offers to commercial banks discounted rate loans. Hence the interest on the loan forwarded to the commercial bank is called the Federal Reserve discount rate. When this rate is low, it gives banks an incentive to source for funding from the FED. This increases the banks’ reserve, cash flow, and money supply. The banks have money to give out as loans and to invest and in doing so generate more and more leading to an increase in cash flow. This lowering of federal discount rate can be termed as...