California Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

California. From the initial observations, it took 6 years before Rizzo et al identified Phytophthora ramorum as the causal agent from the infected tissues. P. ramorum was first described in the 1990s from the dying ornamental plant species, rhododendron and viburnum in Germany (5). Since then, there was significant progress in addressing the pathology, potential hosts and potential treatments in an effort to find a permanent cure for the disease. The term ‘sudden oak death' was derived as a result of the seemingly short duration of the development of disease to the eventual death of the oak trees. However, inoculation studies have disproved this claim as the development of disease can occur over...

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California market. He is experiencing a severe challenge about paying his school fees as well as maintaining himself in school. Besides his grandfather is suffering from diabetes mellitus. According to the client, his grandfather is unable to receive sufficient medication as a result of poverty in their family. Marriages and Significant Relationships: john is not married, but he plans to wed in the next four years. However, the client says that he can only manage to marry if he can secure a job within the first two years after he graduates. Current Living Arrangements: John and his grandfather live in a single bedroom home in California. While John is in school, the old man is left to live alone....

California and Texas. Similarly, Nissan which is a Japanese car maker has been running trials on a prototype of autonomous vehicles. It is predicted that the new technology may come with various benefits such as reduced congestion, faster and safer means of transport and reduced global warming among other benefits. However, there are also certain challenges that be attributed to this technology upon its implementation such as loss of jobs for drivers and recharge problems among other issues. The paper will highlight some of the benefits and also challenges of driverless cars. The paper will also identify various improvements to existing efforts to introduce driverless vehicles....

California and award of the better scholarship will allow me to focus on my education, which will enable me to be a competent lawyer in future with a wide range of experience. I trust that my admittance into your institution will help me in getting the exposure that I need in achieving my dream within the requisite time especially regarding the scholarship for my degree. I sincerely appreciate you taking your time to evaluate my application. I look forward to hearing from you. Work Cited Herlihy, Jane, et al. “Just Tell Us What Happened to You: Autobiographical Memory and Seeking Asylum.” Applied Cognitive Psychology, vol. 26, no. 5, Apr. 2012, pp. 661–676.,...

California called the Neighborhood Safety Office to help reduce the rate of gun violence in the city. The group implemented several strategies to achieve their objectives; these methods included the following: a police-driven approach called a ceasefire, employment of street members as the group’s staff, offering money as an incentive to those who ceased to take part in gun violence. These approaches failed to achieve the desired results. The organization got through to one of the key members of the street and convinced him to become an ambassador for increasing awareness to city members about the dangers of gun violence. This strategy was successful in achieving the goals of the group; it has been...

California. According to Chicago Strategy Associates (2018), the Apple has its retail channel. A strategy used by Apple for the smooth operation of inventories is to sell the products the second day after they arrive at their stores (Lu, 2014). Apple makes sure that its central warehouse has a perfect data synchronization with an estimated 250 stores it owns (Lu, 2014). Apple transports its devices to consumers once they buy goods from Apple Online Store and other shipments are made from the central warehouse based in California (Lu, 2014). According to Lu (2014), Apple manages its inventory by cutting down on the number of its suppliers as well as the number of warehouses. The physical...

California versus Allan Bakke. As a result of this, the minority have in recent times been unfairly denied educational and employment opportunities (Kay, 2018). The affirmative action commenced as a simple idea to widen the scope of equality but has changed and has become a basis for legal battles. The case of Allan Bake in 1978 ruled that the school where he was denied admission should admit him. It, however, did not ban the use of policies that aimed at revisiting present and past discrimination against minorities. Subsequently, public disfavor considerably up to the 1990s. Consequently, other legal cases have failed to address this issue. The more the cause to do away with the affirmative action...

California: Corwin. Muñoz-Luna, R., & Taillefer, L. (2017). Integrating information and communication technologies in English for specific purposes. Cham: Springer International Publishing....

California was intrusive, and it touched on people’s fundamental freedom and privacy because the subjects were not informed that they were participants. Whenever a research is conducted, the participants are supposed to be informed, and then they are given the liberty to agree to be part of it or not. Why were People so upset about it? People were upset with the research because they later learned that their thoughts and feelings had been manipulated without their consent. Their psychological responses were manipulated, making them realize that they were not in control of their daily activities on Facebook during the period of investigation. A major concern is that if material from people’s...

Californians Live in Poverty,’ Pickoff-White and Aguilar argued that many families living in California were poor. The California report demonstrated that families living below the poverty range accounted for approximately 20 percent of the populace (Lisa and Erika, 1). From their findings, it is noteworthy to mention that women from these particular families did not have access to health services. It is clear that they could not afford to pay for medical check-ups and other services. Moreover, violence arising from sexual or intimate activities against women put their health at risk. Violent acts that emanate from forced sex, assaults and defiling cases cause a sense of women's inferiority. It...